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sad day at the flowers home



well my older brother saw a box in my closet and took the liberty of opening it to find my 2 400-watt hps lights, to say the least he wasnt happy. mostly because he cares about me and doesnt want to see me in jail for growing.

so he called our mom who helps me pay my bills and said if i want to keep the house to give her the lights so i dont grow anything with em, and she'd sell them for me on ebay or something

so i went along with my mom to keep my house because i really dont want to live at home with her or with someone else

decided i need a 2nd job and im going to try and get a little apartment somewhere and make a new grow plan, while still living in the house so my family wont know, nosy bastards. o well... just a delay right? :) theres no stopping me :muahaha: just need to work 60 a week...****.

you've all been lots of help on the forums esp here in coco forum! i'll be active still gaining information from this wonderful site


i still have my hashberry seeds though, i didnt give them those. hehehe, i was about to start them in a few days too... sure glad they came now and not when i had some plants


Locks locks locks :bashhead: .

Good that your family cares about you though, never anything wrong with someone who cares.


yes caring is great some parents make the mistake of confusing it with controlling...but seriously its your moms..or is it a rental that she helps you pay...if it is hers i understand her laying down the law..hope all works out man...peace


Active member
Maybe you should heed the advice of those who truly care about you and lay low for a while. In the mean time you can read up and study so that when you are ready to grow at your own place, you'll be that much more prepared.


Active member
oath give up the lights a home and family always comes first. Lol i have no family and barely a home..

Wait till your on your own working and paying alll your bills then set up your hobby grow. Or maby talk the folks into growing there own hydro tomatos, cucumbers or flowers for you mum.. worked for a mate tomato in the basement for years but since converted the family to casual smokers
Is this house your mothers property? If not, and it's just a rental, is she a consignee on the lease?... You can probably see where I'm going with this.... You need to be able to make your own decisions, not have them made for you.

And don't work 60 hour weeks just so you can grow! ...in a secret apartment blah blah blah. No need to lie, or deceive your family. I agree with the comments about family comes first, but there comes a point when you just have to live your own life. I'm not saying you should go all harsh on mom, she's only looking out for your well being, you just need to sever the financial ties. Believe me, she will be stoked when you tell her you don't need her monthly stipend.

And above all, do this for yourself, not so you can grow weed.


I believe that one should be on their own two feet and be pretty sound to grow as a hobby, believe me, i found sometimes i hadn't earned anythy $$$ (self emplyed) cause i was spending too much time on my hobby. i shut down to restart another day. never regreted it.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I think my only option would have been to kick my brother in the balls and tell him to mind his own f'n buisness. Unless it's his house or mom's house.


its a rental, she does not own the house. she is not a cosigner on the lease.

i would sever the financial ties but i cant afford it right now, she agreed to help me with my first home/rental home whatever, long ago she decided this... so thats the only reason i moved into one. if i lose her help i will have to get evicted or work 50-60 a week
STF, my comments were meant to hopefully give you another perspective on how unimportant growing should be to you right now until you get your housing sorted.

I think the reason I even commented in the first place was more in response to your comment:

smelltheflowers said:
"decided i need a 2nd job and im going to try and get a little apartment somewhere and make a new grow plan, while still living in the house so my family wont know, nosy bastards. o well... just a delay right? :) theres no stopping me, just need to work 60 a week...****."

Maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying, but it sounds like you are willing to get a 2nd job so you can afford a little apartment to grow... but still stay at the mom subsidized rental, in an effort to hide the fact that, through your own hard work, you can now afford your own apartment, but still would like mom to pay for the other rental because...... because...

Um, ...am I the only one that sees how uncool to mom this plan would be, not to mention how completely convoluted it is, just to hide the fact that you want to grow. Don't get me wrong, you absolutely need to hide the fact that you are growing, just not at your mothers expense.

Er,.. how bout this ...if you can afford a little apartment to grow on the down low, YOU CAN AFFORD A LITTLE APARTMENT.... ta dah!, voila! problem solved.

Sorry bro if I'm coming off harsh, just trying to offer another perspective.

And here's the king of all clichés: stay safe!


Well it was my mom's idea to help me with my expenses etc... its a house i live in now so it isnt cheap like an apartment. I'll figure something out

I dont like living in apartments though... i hate people in my space and thats exactly what happens at apartments, I am thinking about trying to build a stealth cab for my rental home but it isnt what i wanted... i wanted a 1000+ watt grow that could supply myself and a few friends

We'll see, plenty of time

Jack Crevalle

well my older brother saw a box in my closet and took the liberty of opening it to find my 2 400-watt hps lights, to say the least he wasnt happy. mostly because he cares about me and doesnt want to see me in jail for growing.
How come your brother has access to your house tho?

First of all, why does your brother have access to your house? Your room? Your closet? I would be livid, no matter what he found, that is just wrong....

Secondly, if your mom is paying bills, then she will definitely think she is still in control, a bad habit that parents love to hold on to, still wrong. That is a way to keep control over you...because it is an excuse for any stupid moves like the one they pulled.

How old are you? Can you realistically rent a pad on your own without generating suspicion? It is risky because you will now incur the expense, safety hazards, but mainly stress of having to depend on a large, illegal grow just to pay the bills (rent, utilities, grow supplies). Been there, done that, and I found that I had to sell almost all my herb to make ends meet if any problem that affected yield or deadlines was to show up.

I love your attitude man, nothing can hold me down either, but with big bro involved and mom, they will try to keep a close eye on you from now on, so you need to make it very stealth. Is your bro your roommate? If he is, he will find out...I'd make sure I moved to my own pad with locks and that bro and mommy don't ever come over.

You're in a hard situation man, people "care" too much and end up getting you busted... lame

Best of luck, i truly hope you can get a grow up ASAP.
positive vibes


My bro was just over visiting and helped himself to a closet that was open... the lights were in a box and he said he saw something that looked suspicious so he opened it...

I know about the control but hey bills are paid thats nice right? I am 20 years old... and no i have no roommates.
If you plan on using a g-unit(1000w) or better, the basement will be your best bet. A small light leak with a cfl will attract a nosey person. A g-unit will give off a super bright glow which will find it's way through any crack or hole. Depending on the type of ballast, it will give off a slight humming noise too. Growing under 1000+ watts will also create heat and strong odor, which will need to be masked and vented. These are just some of the first things you should think about. One of the best feelings to indoor growing is how stealth your grow is. Start small at first. Maybe sprout some seeds and throw them under a couple CFLs. Once you have this going, invite your bro over a couple times. This is a better test run than setting up a full blown 1000+ watt grow and having a nosey family member or new neighbor narc you out.

Jack Crevalle

I know about the control but hey bills are paid thats nice right? I am 20 years old... and no i have no roommates.

Well, then you trade that for privacy. Germankids idea is also good input...

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