I sure hope that this cannabis-kills-cancer shit isn't a sham. Just being exposed to all this carcinogenic shit constantly even with rain suit & P95 respirator can't be that great down the road. Not to mention smoking products that have been hit with them. I can at least know to avoid smoking my own buds but it's not so easy to tell what has been done with someone else's unless you're smoking tested bud, even then there's no guarantee.
Not everyone admits to using this shit, there are many "closet sprayers".
Yes really, I'm being honest, not putting on some front to impress you on the Internet.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, within the knowledge and resources you have, to get paid. Not every action taken in life is beautiful or correct. I'm sure you got in the game to live a monk-like life while serving other's needs to get high as a luxury
I believe what you meant is lack of conscience, which is mostly true, and a heavy dose of lazy, which is also true. But those are also the resources I have to deal with.
You always make the best and most honest decision, right? ("Best" for everyone else takes priority. Yourself, secondary.) You're never lazy, right? Good for you.
I wonder how many of you are closet sprayers dumping Avid and Forbid and god knows what else as you post.
You must really think I give a fuck what you think of me.