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Round 2:SS,SourD,And BubblegumXSourD

Well Here i go again!!

For those of you who don't know me:
I'm jochsmokes and i love MARIJUANA!
I love to grow it, smoke it, eat it, take pictures of it and talking about growing almost gets me high!
I've got a wonderful circle of family and freinds most of whom enjoy the same hobby as myself:)
Most everthing i have learned has been from this site, fellow growers and mostly by Mistake!!
But enough about me lets get to the gear and the girls!!

I run a uncooled 400watt HPS in a 2'x6'x5' closet w/sliding doors.
I painted the room white after a failed spaceblanket experiment.
Put a 250cfm duct fan for exshaust and a small circulating fan for air exchange.
I will soon be adding ac to the bedroom to keep temps in check, and also will be getting an air cooled hood and have switched lights on to nightime to keep things cooler.
Last time i flowered in 2L bottles with moderate success.
This time i'm useing a DIY earthbox with a 1gal resivour and 4-5 gal growbox
I'm also aerating the water in the res to prevent stagnant water.
I have four Sour Deisel clones in one box, And four (Mango x Bubblegum) x Sour Deisel in the other.
I also have the mother of the Sour D clones in the closet she is in a 3gal pail and has been flowering for 20 days.
I also have 3 Super Skunk in 3gal pails.
In an attempt to get more air to the roots in the 3gal pails, I used clay pellets and a hose to keep a constant supply of air to the underside of the roots.
A few close freinds of mine have used this idea with their growboxes so i figured it should work with containers.

All the plants except the mum have vegged 24hrs for one month in a tote.
All of them

The SS

Bubblegum x SourD

Sour Deisel clones

They all got to move into the closet after a through cleaning:

Here you can see the two boxes left is bubble deisel, right is sd clones:

Here are the SS and the SD mum:

And then after a shuffle to maximize light:

I still will probably put it back the other way when it starts to get crowded.
Well thats all for now Anyone is more than welcome to ask questions or comment.
This is only my 2nd indoor grow so any advise is always welcomed!!

I would also like to stop and thank ICMAG for a wonderful site to enjoy the company of others who enjoy the same great plant and lifestyle.
Thanks to all and enjoy!! Jochsmokes :joint:
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Plants are adjusting well, All the droopy one's have perked up:)

Temps are running 78-81 lights on, 65-68 lights off.
That is about 5 degree's cooler than running lights on during the days.

Got some neptune's harvest seaweed fertilizer 0-0-1, and fish and seaweed fertilizer 2-3-1.
I'm going to use the fish and seaweed only until i can order some strictly bloom ferts no luck @ any stores around here:(
The seaweed i got to supply any trace minerals i may be lacking.

Thats all for now. JS
Hello all!
I got my pics loaded!
This first one is the whole closet:

This is the Mango x Bubblegum x Sour Deisel:

These are SD clones after 1 wk in the closet on 12/12 kinda strechy but healthy:

And then the SS they are doing awesome under the 400 getting bushier by the day:

And the old timer of the bunch my Sour Deisel mother:

These are some that my girlfreind took she somehow can take way better pics than me:

That is all for now!
Things are going great so i'll try to update soon!
Bye for now....JS

Heat wave on the east coast!
It's been like 90 the last couple days and even @ night w/ lights on it crept up to almost 95 so i kicked myself in the ASS and put in the AC and 78 instantly!

One sour d clone took a hit during the install but the stem is still intact just snapped alittle.....lot...but it should be alright.
he he i put some duct tape on it! really i did!

The last little dwarf SD clone in the cup finally came around and i also topped one MG x BG x SD and an SS.
I also trained the sd mum so some lower growth could have a chance!

Its getting close to time to rotate the garden a chore i'm not looking forward too seeing the boxes weigh 50-60 pds and not much room to move.
Should keep them all happy with limited space and light.

All the plants are throwing huge leaves they never did last time.
Must be healthy they're growing like WEEDS!!
LOL bet thats the first time someone said that on this site!

Well i'm really high and tired so i'll load some pics tommorow:) JS
Well it's the day AFTER tommorow....

And i'm STILL high and STILL tired so maybe pics when i get a day off.

The sd that got snapped is growing again so i guess she'll live:)

AC rocks :headbange temps are very constant which i like and so do they!
Well i'll catch ya later! JS
Well i have been leaveing before the girls wake up and not getting home till the lights already on!

And they've been VERY busy while i've been gone!

This is the veiw i get when i come home!

I found the time to switch the room around and feed on friday night and did some trimming of lower branches and some bothersome shade leaves.
The SD mum is 35 days 12/12 and she is starting to smell wonderful!!!!

I recently topped acouple plants to keep there height down but as you can see by these next pics it's hard to keep a good plant down!

And the SD clones were way out of control so i had to knock them down a bit..
They'll be back to the light in no time they are also branching alot better now.

This next one is of my short SS i keep moving her to get the best light and it has made for a cool stalk maybe i can get it to twist up like a CFL!! LOL

This SD clone is a failed DWC project i threw it in some dirt with about 1 1/2ft roots and she lived!! And she is starting to bud @ 6in should be a big yeilder hehe!

These are some of the untopped plants the first is SS

This is a mango bubble deisel getting very nice:)

Next feeding is going to be all bloom i'll probably still do some fish and seaweed 2-3-1 but it's time to step up to some good stuff!
Any suggestions? I have been looking but there are so many!
I'd like to go with somthing in pellet form the smelly liquids are starting to get old.....the closet being in my BEDROOM!
Well i'm actually painting my new motorcycle right now so i'm going back for my second coat wish me luck!! JS
Happy Day!!

......Well yesterday was a happy day i ended up with the day off due to rain:)

I went and checked most of my outdoor minimal slug damage and one male.
Not to shabby for this time of year!

But this Post is about INDOOR!!!
And i did my biggest photo shoot SO FAR yesterday and it took me all night to load 18 pics:( so i couldn't post them till today.

I am totally in love with my SD mother :nono: I can't stop looking @ her, smelling her and of course scopeing those already forming trichs!

Well enough talk here she is @ 35 days

And these are the lower branches that get very little light still going strong!

And here is what they all look like stuffed in the closet:

And then i took all the Super Skunk out to get the full effect of how tall they are! The one plant i topped has gotten HUGE.
The tops have grown like 4" in 6 days! Guess it didn't stunt them much!

Then the big girl she has a slightly larger pot but has always been bigger than the rest of the SS she was the one of the only seeds i planted directly into soil and not peat pucks.

Then a comparison shot i can't wait to see the buds this plant grows!!!

no wonder she grows so big with leaves like this:

Then we journey back to the closet for some DEISEL!!
First is the clones they were way to tall so i bent some stems and they never skipped a beat.

They're still pretty spaced out on nodes.
But I can see a SD solo run in my future so i'll work out some kinks now and reap the rewards later:)

And last but definatly not least the (Mango x Bubblegum)X SD
These plants are awesome I have never seen a strain branch so much!!
The bud sites are all started to get hairy and smellin good (Not that you can smell anything over that momma D!) and they have planed off at a nice height for my closet.

That is a top from the plant in the front just close up
then i trimmed up the lower stuff to get some light down under!

I was kinda nervous cutting undergrowth but i know it will pay off in the end.

Well thats it for my big day off got lots acomplished and even got my bike all set to go:)
Should make for a fun way to save some gas.

I have really been amazed at the vigorous growth of both the SS and mangobubbleD!
They are wonderful plants and chooseing one of the two for my next solo strain run will be very difficult!
I guess i'll wait till closer to harvest to make any final decisions.

Well Happy late fathers day to any other ganja growin daddys out there!
I had a wonderful day with my little girl playing in the rain...just playing in the puddles LOL remember when life was so simple?
I had almost forgotten till she showed me again.

Enough for now should be getting good real quick the sd mum is about half way and i don't dare guess a finish time on the mango bubble d?
SS is right around 65-70 so everthing should be around the same time :headbange What a good month that will be!! JS

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Joch
Just noticed you had another thread man, good to see a man so excited about his plants

That sd mom does look good, looks like she is getting ready to shine

Best of luck on this run man
Hey dog :wave:
Thanks alot man I'm still looking forward to Sending ya that SS bud picture:)
I always check out your site and can't wait to make em shine like you do!
But anyway thanks for chimeing in and hopefully others will follow your lead......Anyone?

I fed another good dose of earth juice bloom and microblast today.
I bubbled the mix for 20hrs before hand and i'll feed some bubbled water before bed to make sure it gets thourghly saturated.
I'm so nervous about overwatering and flushing out my soil i don't water alot just freqently is this good or bad?
Also does anyone else bubble their water?
I have been letting the rez on the earthboxes go dry from time to time just to make sure i don't get any root rot.
I don't think they would stay that wet.....but they are good strains and i DON'T want to f 'em up!

I also purchased a product from espoma? Been seeing their products everywhere but this bio-tone caught my eye its supposed to have living microbs kinda like the microblast i guess, only for $5.
I'll try some on some test subjects and see how they like it might be a cheaper alternative but EARTH JUICE just sounds so healthy!
I say this AS i eat some frozen pizza and guzzle MT-DEW!!!
But i excpect more from my plants than myself all the time so what else is new?

OH-YA i mean't to tell everyone in case u dodn't nitoce i can't spell for shit!!
And i don't think this has a spellcheck so i appoligize for any inconveneces.....
maybe i should stop useing words like that if i can't spell them huh? :laughing: naaaaa!! JS
Buds hit puberty and someone's gettin HAIRY!!

Buds hit puberty and someone's gettin HAIRY!!

Well i'm all choked up........ they just grow up so fast!!

Thats the smallest SS and there ain't gonna be nothing small about her in 30 more days!!

Those are the SD clones they have really made a comeback starting to branch and bud alot better since i started feeding more:)

This is my little misfit bud, she was in pretty bad shape Root rot from failed dwc but i put it in some soil and it's starting to come along.

The big SS wouldn't stay out of the light so down she goes.....TIMBER!!!

And the mango, bubble,deisel needed some adjusting also.

And the smell that gets me those sweet dreams at night!!

God she has made my grow so far!
I did just find some mites yesterday so in go the pest strips no neem for those tight buds!
I can't imajine her going another 30-40 days she's going to be huge!!
Well thats all the time for now going to put some outdoor pics on my other thread tommorow.
Gotta load them tonight things are going OK..... slugs are a BITCH!!
Glad i focused more on my indoor this year, Animals and bugs SUCK!
Coldframe is doing great though best of both worlds there. :) JS

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looks good Joch

Hard to make out what is happening in a few of those shots though, waiting on seeing some nice SS buds dude
Hey dog,
Yeah I don't like to take pictures under the hps but i don't have much time these days.
And the closet is VERY confuseing these days.
It's hard to tell where one plant starts and another ends
All my fault but i couldn't decide on one strain :chin: Still can't!!!!
And once again too many in a TINY space.
But getting the mother out before the others finish should help... some?

But every grow is a lesson to me:) JS

The last couple weeks of not paying attention to the girls has had terrible repercusions:(

My sd mother was such a mess!!
So infested w/spidermites that i decided to harvest her early in hopes the others will survive and while she's still smokeable:(

The younger plants seem to be not so overwhelmed so i throughly sprayed them with neem oil and crossed my fingers!

I am downloading pictures so i'll do a full update and damage report later. JS
SD mum bud shots

SD mum bud shots

My sour deisel mother has been harvested and WOW!!
Even premature @ about 60days it is Very potent!
Here she is first days of 12/12 and right before harvest.

What a shame but she would have surely ruined the rest.
I will neem the rest of the closet again tommorow some of the Sour d clones show some webs at the base and the rest had minor webs but i'll re up my pest strips and keep up with the neem till i get them under control.
Here are the horror pics from the sour d mother

But it's not all bad i had no bud and now i have this

Thats all the top buds i took most of the sm buds and trim to some freinds and made some wonderful bubble hash:) thanks guys!!
I'm also makeing some canna butter from the leftovers from the hash makeing.
Just to get every bit of goodness!!
I know yeild and potentcy probably suffered ALOT but it couldn't have come at a better time!!
I'll do the rest of the closet after dinner. JS

Everyone all shuffled and trained to use up all the 400 has to give!
They are very healthy other than a few pesky mites on the deisels.
First up are the SS they are beutiful plants and should finish very nice!

And a birds eye of the sm SS

I think the potted plants might be alittle fuller only because i rotate them often but these Mango,Bubblegum,SourD are still looking great!

They seem to have very chunky buds already!

These SourD clones have really turned it on in the last week!

Hopefully i'll be able to let them go a full 70-75 only time will tell.
Here is all of the plants back in:

I will be trying to watch them alittle closer hopefully i can get these mites under control.
Feel free to give any advise on mites i have been reading up but am always open to any suggestions!! JS
The battle rages on:(
I'm starting to get less spider mites but my leaves seem to be dying?
they're curling on the edges and turning funky colors and falling off??
I've used the same dosage and soap combo before with no trouble but this time no good.
I also had computer trouble last time i tryed to upload :cuss:
So i don't dare put up pics tonight.

Everything is filling out nice in the closet especially the SS!!!
They have really chunked up in the past couple wks!

It has been really warm the last couple weeks and due to freak power outages i did have a couple 100 degree peaks during lights on which scared me but no nanners yet. I say this with my fingers crossed!!

Well if i can keep this rig in line i'll post some pics tommorow :bashhead: JS
Well i just had a big post all typed up and yup i lost it :bashhead:

The long road to harvest just hit a major speed bump!!
I found some seedsacs alot of them!
This is one of my prized SD clones:

It makes me sick that is probably the worst one but they all got it to some degree.
And the worst thing is i can not find any hermie flowers ANYWHERE and i have been lokking for three days!!
Other than the seeds they are lookin good these are two of the SS

The second one i fim'd and it is getting FAT!!!

These are the SD clones left and the mango,bubble,deisel right:

and a m,bg,sd bud

And this is the little plant that could she is sour d and getting frosty!!

She took the mites alot worse than the bigger plants but she's alright.

Well i'm totally bummed about the seeds :badday:
but they do add up to some tasty flavors if ya think about it:
mango x bubble gum x super skunk x sour deisel OH MY!!

oh and i almost forgot the best news!
HEMPSTOCK is this weekend!!!!
Its the biggest MJ festival in maine as far as i know.
This will be my 5th time attending and it's always a blast!
I hope to find some yummy treats both buds and brownies maybe some fungus if i'm lucky :rasta:
I'll try to take some pics of the show and post them so you can see some crazy mainers burning for the cause!!
last year i heard they raised over 200 grand so hopefully they can top that!
I think tickets went up to 35$ but it's well worth it:) JS

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
sucks to hear about the seeds dude, I just had that happen to me, I was not able to find he pollinator but I will keep the seeds, you never know when I can use them. Being a strict personal grower, it does not really concern me that I have a few seeds in my crops.

Have fun at the weed festival, we need something like that here
Thanks dog.
Thats the thing that bothers me is that i can't find the pollinator!
and i would think it would be obvious because there are ALOT of seeds.

Another weird thing is the seedsacs some of the seed pods don't have seeds yet just fluid????

But regardless i took clones of my best three one from each strain.
Maybe i can figure out whose the hermie before any of them root that way i could take more if need be.
I have never taken clones from budding plants but from what i've read it will just take awhile and i have plenty of time before next round.

so this might be a stupid question but any pistils still white and healthy are still growing bud right?
all the ones with seed seem to shrink up
and should i be feeding more or less?
I was thinking more because the plant is useing energy for seeds also not just bud??

I've calmed down about the seeds alittle while looking for male flowers i realized just how much bud is still there and it looks good!
The mango bub d is very chunky, and the the SS smells insane!!
I'm thinking that maybe the spider mites or my treating of....may have stressed them hermie or the couple 100+ days when the ac quit....
Did i say is i've calmed down yeah right!!

OK so next time one strain and less plants AGAIN maybe 10.....15....no 10.
And all clones and maybe i'll make a box inside the closet to eliminate all chance of light leaks
and i'll hopefully i can atleast get a cooltube or cooled reflector for my 400 if i can't swing a 600:(
Time to get realistic about the quantity i can grow in a 2.5'x3'x5' space.
Uncooled hps have no place in a closet took me two runs but i can finally admit it.
Well maybe some pics of the unprego bud tommorow, hehe that was an inside joke my girl is prego she hates it when i say that, atleast i know who the pollinator was with that seed! LOL JS
Hello all!

JAM FEST aka HEMPSTOCK is underway:)

I'm going to be attending tommorow and sunday @35 dollars aday or 60 for the weekend.
It was raining tonight so i'll wait till tommorow i clipped a few taster buds and cooked up some ganj butter and got ready for the show :rasta:
I think there is going to be like 15 bands and a few speakers and such over the course of the next 2days.

I clipped some of the super seeded SS for the butter and you can smell the diffrence tha super skunk is some stinky good bud!
Also got to smoke some 68 day east coast sour deisel today wonderful stuff when it gets to mature.

I guess uploads are down it figures i took some great picture's last night!
Did a trich check last night and its looking like this:

Mango x Bubblegum x Sour deisel: 1-2 weeks tops very cloudy some amber

Super skunk: 3-4 all to mostly clear very dense trichs almost carpeted!

East coast sour deisel: ??? These clones are just starting to pour on the reisen and i'm going to give them plenty of time to bulk up!

WOW just took a fresh hit of that mango bubble d and I think i'm going to start calling it sour mango bubblegum it tastes amazing!!
Very fruity with a strong bubblegum taste i never would have belived it really tastes like bubblegum :canabis:

Well i will try with the pics again later! JS

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