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Rockets (a.k.a Lungs)


Active member
I was searching for examples of what this is to show some tokers in a toker chat room what they are. Surprisingly difficult to find. (Perhaps there needs a more unique name coined for this sort of toking device, and hopefully a punchy catchy one word, not something verbosely descriptive like portable waterless bucket gravity bong).

To construct a Rocket


It is a bottle, with the bottom removed, and a bag taped sealed to the bottom rim, such that when you suck in the mouth of the bottle, the bag fits snuggly. (you may want to attatch a (short or long) string/tape handle to the bag on the underside where it meets closest the mouthpiece when in, and furthest out point when pulled. consider this when taping the rim, as the pinch of the tape adding the draw-string handle may lose some snugness at the top when bag's sucked in.)

Then attach a bowl/chillum/pipe/rig to, something that can fit airtight to the mouth of the bottle, sometimes that's the lid/cork that came with it, so long as it's no faff to remove it quickly (e.g no fiddly long unscrewing/untaping/unclasping process).

Bottomless bottle taped to bag with drawstring, bowl lid.

So there it is, a bottomless bottle with a bag sucked up in it, with a drawstring poking out the bottom, and a bowl on top.

Nuanced Complexly,
I shant go into much depth here, but just to point out, choice of bottle, and bag, and lid, matters.
Plastic bottles may be cheaper to access and easier(?) to remove the bottoms of, but collapse under suction easier, so may require extra care when hitting, or extra bracing.
Glass Bottles, may have extra thermal(coldmass/conductive) cooling properties, and wont collapse. One way to attempt to remove the bottom of a glass bottle is some pennies in the bottom of it, and, in a bag give it a vertical shake/jolt... and with luck, if you picked the right kind of bottle, you could come away with a clean rim and no mess of shards from which to extract your pennies from before putting it in recycling.
For extra points, decorate the bottle to look like a rocket, with paint or stickers etc.
Often, breadbags are your perfect go-to. You dont want something rustly crinkly. You want smooth rolling flexible.

To launch your new rocket,
(if you've gone for the convenient long drawstring rocket style, and dont need to reach up inside (which can be akward, requiring 3 hands) for a short (or no) drawstring handle Lung style),

10 Get a nice hash/extract/flower.
9 Sit on a comfortable chair.
8 Set the rocket on the floor infront of your chair between your legs.
7 Fill the bowl with as much as you dare.
6 Place your foot on the drawstring.
5 Hold the Rocket steady in one hand,
4 Lighter in other hand.
3 Ignite lighter.
2 Hold lighter flame above filled bowl.
1 Carefully, calmly, steadily, not too slow, not too fast (this comes with practice),
[Lift Off!] Raise the the Rocket and lighter together, not letting too much flame into it (you dont want it hot!), until it reaches the top.
[separation] Foot off, Remove the lid, while preparatively exhaling, fully, sharply.
[Stage 2]Swiftly, mouth on mouthpiece, and punch that INHALE sucking the bag into the bottle and the smoke into your lungs as hard and fast as you can! (warning, dont try going slow thinking that will be gentler on you, it wont)
[Orbit Altitude and velocity acheived]Exhale whenever.

Fair warning, this is BRUTAL. You may be wise to expect coughing. You may be wise to expect to be more high than from any other method, given the immediacy of such vast quantity of a dose, tipping past whatever metabolic catchups that go on with other methods that soften the experience.

If you are in any way concerned for the health of your lungs, like maybe at risk of collapsed lung, or some ... I don know. Whatever. Feel free to give this one a miss. It's not for the faint hearted.

We used to do this with council hash, soapbar, kakbar, tac, whatever you call it, lowest grade nasty, utterly addulterated, back in the 1990s, as teens. These days, there being better cannabis availability and better cannabis sensibility around... I imagine a dab bubbler rig fixed to the top, loaded with a fine extract. How High could that take you? Let me know what the weather's like on Pluto when you pass it.

But again, this may just be for the foolhardy young. The intensity of this method, is otherworldly special, sure, but also, again, the BRUTALITY of this method needs to be taken into account before proceeding. I warn you again. Expect coughing. Expect burning sensation in your lungs. It may not happen, and you may get a smooth ride, if whoever pulled the rocket for you did it well, with good stuff, it's possible. But safer to expect a BRUTAL ride up. Like hitting high G, this will be an ordeal for the body.

So there... now there's at least one thread about that smoking device, in the smoking devices section. Enjoy.

PS, again, extra points if you decorate it to look even more like a rocket, than it already does when launching. (double points for chu-chu rocket decoration)
PPS, again, if you hurt yourself, that's on you. I warned you multiple times. BRUTAL.
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