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River & Gunns.....



Had a wonderful supprise yesterday evening! Riverlady pulled into my driveway! :yes:

Bless her beautiful heart.. She's helping me move into this old house. I'm remodeling and we are kinda hangin' in the basement.

She has been cookin', laughin' & makin' things just a bit brighter around here...

We'll probably take some pic's tommorow. I'll get a one of her doing wheelies on the Polaris four wheeler in the snow! LOL


WTF gunns? Did I miss something...you are in a snowy climate? Hope all is well my friend stay safe...oh, give river a hello for me or hello river :wave: lol.



good morning.....:wave:
u guys sould feel sorry for poor gunns cause yall know hes probably never heard so much meaningless spew ...........he did not die form my cooking .....must be that military training saved him :smile:

vbg..... bet my stews not half as exciting as dgns antics ....but then no to many of us are going to top her......ot want too....:eek: .....:smile:

bw.....high to u to :moon:
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mornin guys...y'all sounded like you were having a great time on the phone the other night...of course with my twisted mind I am wondering what is going on up there with y'all...inquiring minds want to know...ahahahaha...

wassup bw...


I felt the earth shaking up here boo, I have to wonder what was up too. 2 lonely people working :D, in the basement.

One more conspear-a-see thing to thing about.


hash, boo,,,wassup? good sunday morning to you guys(and gals) heres to freezing your twins off today=) think ill keep warm with some fresh pineapple c99 dry sift, and maybe some coffee, def some coffee.. peebs
river, i wish someone would roll up and cook me some buttermilk biscuits w fresh tomatoe slices,,,,,,,,im sure gunns believes in angels now=) pb
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Olympic Pole Vaulting Champion

Olympic Pole Vaulting Champion

Well River, I am sure you have quite a few good little antics of your own. As for topping DGN (bless her little waxed body), have you not told Gunny about the G6 pole Vaulting Games. You won the gold medal remember.....????hehe
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figures u people still have sick minds .........hehe......

fed him some of my homemade raspberry wine and smoked him up with some of my homegrown ..... see this alls done great things for my typin skills :D


HEY BOO!! Not much here, just making some headway in life:) Hope all is well on your piece of land:) Looks like Gunns is living life more like me these days...snow and all LOL! Gotta get used to dat up nort type weadder.

:moon: @ river :D You said your cooking hasnt killed Gunns yet...Where is he if you havent killed him then?? LOL maybe not with the cooking but he is old you know :gaga:

Hope you are having a great time.



hehe bang guess those choco puffs did him in ....:D

am home now ....is wonderful to go places and meet new faces ....but is surely good to be home again too......gunny is true gentelman and great with some new ideas to help my grow .....is a cool thing to beable to sit and pass a j while talking about growing ............

veggies look like they survived my being gone just fine .....1/2 hr to lites on so have to wait to see how the ladies survived :drum:
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Glad to see you made it home in one piece!

It was GREAT getting to finally meet you and I REALLY appreciate the gift of herb you left me with!

I'm off to the hardware store to get some sandpaper, light switches & recepticles... I also need to pick up some bread and jam for my morning toast...

I finished off that bottle of wine and slept like a baby all night... Hell I didn't even get up until 7:30!


High n Dry

Gunns said:
Glad to see you made it home in one piece!

It was GREAT getting to finally meet you and I REALLY appreciate the gift of herb you left me with!


Man o man Gunns..I was kind of worried about this meeting. :chin:

river said in another thread that she was capable of doing physical harm to us older fellas.:yoinks:

Glad you made it out unscathed. :wave:


I have no doubt in my Military mind that River could do harm to an unsuspecting soul... However, she was nothing less than a LADY and conducted herself accordingly. I love her to death...


vbg .... thats cause u live way the heck on the other side of the lake :wink: ....but u never know just might find river in your driveway someday .....:smile:


i wish we could all just have a nice big sit down dinner/pot party someday. i feel like i know some of you pretty well. more so then some i've worked with for 10 years. we share something unique and wonderful and secret. we are special. at least i am. :)

maybe we can meet in the middle of this big old country. how about phoenix?

i've never sat down and had a nice relaxing chat with a fellow hobbyist. i'm looking forward to it.
blah blah blah fatboy! I invited you back to windsor and you never made it there.

Your all talk and no action fella!! LOL

(i'd love to have a party with all of the OF !)