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Richmond, Virginia

Any pointers on how to score sticky iky stuff in Richmond, Virginia I will be visiting a good friend who just moved there but he has only been able to obtain plain regular stuff....

peAce !!!
...or so i hear....be carefull for rip offs and be very careful as the place is like the wild west as far as homicides go, and undercover nazis everywere. Plentyful place if you know the right people, but locals there are very touchy and a bit sketchy sometimes. your best bet is to go clubbing downtown or around the vcu campus, either way you should connect. vcu kids are prolly your best bet for quality. gl m8


Active member
richmond is a pretty cool city.....was just down there a couple weeks ago to see a carbon leaf show.......they rock. there is a good music scene ther
and dont forget to eat breakfast at the third st. diner.....shit , that place is a richmond innstitution

soory tho , idont know where to score there( i brought my own )

best of luck to ya


My little pony.. my little pony
Ahhh the memories. The bar never quite came all the way down and I raised my arms along with everyone else and I remember the lady behind me scream, " That boys flying out of his seat! ", and that was my last ride on the Rebell Yell at Kings Dominion.


Active member
Wooooo the 'Rebel Yell' :D ...1 of the greatest wodden coasters this mid e.coastr's ever ridden.. :).....kings d. was da bomb back in the day!!

I don't know the Richmond scene, but know theres cronic there for sure...several varities of NL come out of Richmond...& afghani#1 also is prevelant on the scene.....best of luck & be careful :wave:
Thanks guys for your info, 3legdog if I can hookup with some afgani # 1 I'll be a happy man....all the best in 2006 !


Active member
Hey tiger,
In what part of VA? I know some peps in the are of n25th st. give me an idea of what part you are in and I can make some calls for you. I have family in the area and close to hinrico co. P.M. me and i can give you a better view on the matter.

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