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RI MED LAWS.......lets discuss

So I have done a lot of research on plant limits in RI and there is a lot of conflicting information on the matter. While many parts of the written law are vague.........or atleast vague enough that so much conflicting info is out there.........there seems to be a consensus on the definition of MATURE(visible bud sites with naked eye) and IMMATURE(no visible buds to naked eye).

The ISSUE I want to have a discussion on here about is plant limits and collective grows(two or more caregivers residing and growing in the same dwelling). Here is what I gathered from my various hours of searching on the matter. I also emailed RIPAC with no response and their website seems dead since 2010ish.

After alot of reading and thought on the matter this is what I believe the limits to be.
Patient Card= 12 immature 12 mature
cargiver card 1= 12 immature 12 mature
caregiver card 2= 12 immature 24 mature
Patient and caregiver 1= 24 immature 24 mature
patient caregiver 1 and 2(max)= 24 immature 36 mature

So to my understanding the only way one person can have 24 immature plants and 24 mature plants is by being a PATIENT AND CAREGIVER 1. If that person is a PATIENT AND DOUBLE CARGIVER they can have 24 IMMATURE and 36 MATURE.

If two people of the same status(patient double cargiver 24/36 status) live together technically they could grow more than 100 plants total. IMO this is way too much and close to the magical number the DEA really starts to care and will act federally. That being said I wanted to hear people thoughts and opinions on this matter.

Below is a link where I found the most helpfeul info and posts that seemed informative.
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I'm almost sure that it stops at 24veg/48flower with two patient and two caregiver cards, I think thats the max number you can get in RI.


I was always under the impression you could never have more than 24 in flower, regardless of # of patient or caregiver cards.
I was referring to two patients with two caregiver cards under one roof, but as a single patient with a caregiver card then it is 12/24.
Thanks for the replies guys.....this is kinda what I mean though. Lots of differing info.

My main issue is with how many IMMATURE plants one is allowed when a double caregiver as opposed to a patient and caregiver. It seems that only once you are a patient and caregiver can you have 24 immature or vegging plants.

So in other words.....if you are a double caregiver you can have 12 vegging and 24 flowering..................not 24 veg and 24 flower

Only when you are a patient and caregiver(single of double) can one have 24 immature or vegging and then either 24 or 36 flower.

I will find out soon enough as I left a message for RIPAC to call me back. I will tackle the collective issue as well(having more than one patient or caregiver residing in the same house with multiple cards and plant allowances) if I can as well.

Hopefully I can get some definintive answers and this thread can be a place for people to look. :tiphat:


Well-known member
coco I am interested as well, i heard double double was 24/24. BUT, dont take my word. I would like to know too. Going to Starks maine this weekend. I believe an ripac tent will be setup. I plan on talking to them if they are there.

coco I am interested as well, i heard double double was 24/24. BUT, dont take my word. I would like to know too. Going to Starks maine this weekend. I believe an ripac tent will be setup. I plan on talking to them if they are there.


Cool man....well def keep us posted on what you hear as I will too. I just want everyone to have a clear picture. I know a dude who always said it was 24 and 24 and hes a double caregiver. I know he isnt an idiot and did lots of research too but the more I read the more I wonder. i just want to do it RIGHT.....was a grower for years looking over my shoulder and being paranoid. I want to know I am within my rights with my plant limits once I get both cards and move. Once I am in state I do have a medical condition and paperwork so I should be able to become a patient as well.

Glad we have a open discussion starting to develope here. I encourage anyone to participate. Even if you dont have any more facts or info with this issue. Just let us know you also have interest so as to be bring more attention to the ambiguities in the laws.

After all......we are just trying to obey the law:dance013:


Well-known member
Unfortunately the RI Med booth wasn't there. Bummed, still had a good time thou. Asked around an most of the mainers werent sure of RI's rules

did you ever call ripac, or get a call back?

Unfortunately the RI Med booth wasn't there. Bummed, still had a good time thou. Asked around an most of the mainers werent sure of RI's rules

did you ever call ripac, or get a call back?

Nah dude...........not sureprised really either. But I did look at their callender and they are having a meeting soon open to anyone. Usually they want you to be a patient or caregiver.......some times caregivers must be with their patient too.

This meeting is for anyone looking for info..........I may just pop in and try to get some concrete info on this subject.

Thanks for the update Gmanwho........I will try to update this when I get some more info. I will also continue to try and call to get my answers before I drive a long way. But I just get the recording each time I call.
Well to help get this kicked off lets get some important terms posted up and go from there.

Everything posted here is word for word from RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATED TO
THE MEDICAL MARIJUANA PROGRAM [R21-28.6-MMP] ****which was enacted in March 2006 and then amended (changed) in July '06, January '07, January '08, and the most current version being March '10.

So right off the bat they have changed this four times. This is probably the source of most of the confusion.

Section 1.0 - Definitions

1.2 "Cardholder" means a qualifying patient, a primary caregiver, or a principal officer,
board member, employee, volunteer, or agent of a compassion center who has been
issued and possesses a valid registry identification card.

1.7 "Mature marijuana plant" means a marijuana plant which has flowers or buds that are
readily observable by an unaided visual examination.

1.12 “Primary caregiver” means either a natural person who is at least twenty-one (21) years old or a compassion center. Unless the primary caregiver is a compassion center, a
natural primary caregiver may assist no more than five (5) qualifying patients with their
medical use of marijuana.

1.16 "Seedling" means a marijuana plant with no observable flowers or buds.

1.18 "Unusable marijuana" means marijuana seeds, stalks, seedlings, and unusable roots

1.19 “Usable marijuana” means the dried leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant, and any mixture or preparation thereof, but does not include the seeds, stalks, and roots of the plant.

Section 2.0 - Regulations

2.8.1 A registered primary caregiver may possesses an amount of marijuana which does
not exceed twelve (12) mature marijuana plants and two and one-half (2.5) ounces
of usable marijuana for each qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected
through the Department's registration process established pursuant to these

2.8.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of §2.8.1 of these Regulations, no primary
caregiver other than a compassion center shall possess an amount of marijuana in
excess of twenty-four (24) mature marijuana plants and five (5) ounces of usable
marijuana for qualifying patients to whom he or she is connected through the
Department's registration process established pursuant to these Regulations.

2.8.3 A registered qualifying patient may possesses an amount of marijuana which does
not exceed twelve (12) mature marijuana plants and two and one-half (2.5) ounces
of usable marijuana.

2.8.4 Registered primary caregivers and registered qualifying patients shall be allowed
to possess a reasonable amount of unusable marijuana, including up to twelve
(12) seedlings, which shall not be counted toward the limits established in §§2.8.1
and 2.8.3 of these Regulations.

Section 6.0 - Protections for the Medical Use Of Marijuana

6.1 A qualifying patient who has in his or her possession a registry identification card, issued pursuant to the Act and these Regulations, shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for the medical use of marijuana; provided, that the qualifying patient possesses an amount of marijuana that does not exceed the applicable limits established in §2.8 of these Regulations. Said plants shall be stored in an indoor facility.

6.2 No school, employer or landlord may refuse to enroll, employ or lease to or otherwise
penalize a person solely for his or her status as a cardholder.

6.8 No person shall be subject to arrest or prosecution for constructive possession,
conspiracy, aiding and abetting, being an accessory, or any other offense for simply being
in the presence or vicinity of the medical use of marijuana as permitted under the Act and
these Regulations, or for assisting a registered qualifying patient with using or
administering marijuana.

6.11 A registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver may give marijuana to
another registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver to whom they are not
connected through the Department’s registration process established pursuant to these
Regulations, provided that no consideration is paid for the marijuana, and that the
recipient does not exceed the applicable limits specified in §2.8 of these Regulations.

Section 7.0 - Confidentiality Provisions

7.1 Applications and supporting information submitted by qualifying patients, including
information regarding their primary caregivers and practitioners, are confidential and
protected under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
of 1996, as amended.

7.2 The Department shall maintain a confidential list of the persons to whom the Department has issued registry identification cards.
7.2.1 Individual names and other identifying information on the list:
(a) Shall be confidential and not be considered a public record pursuant to RIGL
§38-2-2(4); and
(b) Shall not subject to disclosure, except to authorized employees of the
Department as necessary to perform official duties of the Department.
7.3 The Department shall verify to law enforcement personnel whether a registry
identification card is valid solely by confirming the random registry identification

Section 9.0 - Penalties for Violations

9.2 If a cardholder willfully violates any provision of the Act or these Regulations, as
determined by the Department, his or her registry identification card may be revoked.
stuff thats jumping out at me is 12 veg plants in 2.8.4

there is nothing that refers to "12 per patient etc" so i think veg might in fact be maxed out at 12.

Someone acting as a caregiver is maxed out at 24 mature plants and 5 ounces as per 2.8.2

now, riddle me this. As a caregiver with two patients am i maxed out at 24 mature regardless of whether i'm not a patient? or does being patient allow me 36? I'm going to go ahead and say yes to having 36. and i'll explain why.

2.8.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of §2.8.1 of these Regulations, no primary
caregiver other than a compassion center shall possess an amount of marijuana in
excess of twenty-four (24) mature marijuana plants and five (5) ounces of usable
marijuana for qualifying patients to whom he or she is connected through

So it clearly states that you are allowed to have 12 per patient and you are maxed out at 24 mature plants that you can grow for your patients. Nowhere does it mention a patients plant count, it only reflects towards caregivers. I'd feel safe doing 36 flower if i had two caregiver cards and one patient

so 36 and 12 or 12 and 24?
Ya.........I see that it doesnt directly address a case of someone being a caregiver of 2 or more and a patient as well.

My 2 main questions is 1. can a double caregiver have 24 and 24 or just 12 and 24. 2...........can a double caregiver who is also a patient have 36 flowering.............the answer to the first question also helps answer the second whether or not they can have 12 or 24 in veg along with their 24 or 36 in flower.
Well, I'm in Colorado, so I don't know the laws in Rhode Island, but I have an 8 light vert with 16 plants and that puts out a 12 or 14 pack every 63 days, so you guys in Rhode Island should get to growing! 24 plants is perfect for a 12 lighter all day long! Just make sure you have your paperwork in order, in case the Po'po stops by for a walk-through, or at least that's how it works here........