[Call your congresscritters! <3 Tesla]
April 7: The last day to file a different version of HB84
We have another chance friends. We have until April 7th to get another member of the General Assembly to file a different version of HB 84.
Call your Rep. to express your support and send an email to Rep. Paul Stam [email protected] and tell him that you still support Medical Cannabis in N.C.
It is not fair to have shot down the last bill due to overwhelming support that was deemed to be harassment.
Visit here to email the reps and here to email the senators.
We need to have a new member of the General Assembly to sponsor a new version of HB84 before April 7, 2013 for another chance at this.
[Call your congresscritters! <3 Tesla]
April 7: The last day to file a different version of HB84
We have another chance friends. We have until April 7th to get another member of the General Assembly to file a different version of HB 84.
Call your Rep. to express your support and send an email to Rep. Paul Stam [email protected] and tell him that you still support Medical Cannabis in N.C.
It is not fair to have shot down the last bill due to overwhelming support that was deemed to be harassment.
Visit here to email the reps and here to email the senators.
We need to have a new member of the General Assembly to sponsor a new version of HB84 before April 7, 2013 for another chance at this.