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Hi.Ive Heard a Plant can be Reverted "to its previous best"..!

How is this Done?
Any Info Welcome

Imagine Natural Ingredients would help. !?
Also the Enviroment ?


when you say reverting you're meaning taking a plants through flower, and then going back into veg to flower again?


cut the plant to your desired size. trim of all the bud material you can leaving as many leaves as possible.
I prefer a dark period of 24-48 hours, then back to veg cycle. 18/6 for me

I run hydro chem mostly and just flush and hook em back up to my veg barrel


Thx but no Fellaz I don't mean "Revegging"

Basically I have knowledge of a plant that was taken Off x2 branches from the MainStem of a Plant and now for some Reason the Potency of the Grown Cutting has Degraded Big style..

[Never Thought there was Any Difference from where you took the Cutting (to Make a Mother Plant)but that Doesn't Seem to be the Case !?]

"Revitalising" a plant is Apparantly Possible (?)

Thx. :smoker:


Does Anybody Know Anything! about this?
I've looked on Google but can only find Info on Revegging! P



Does Anybody Know Anything! about this?
I've looked on Google but can only Info on Revegging! P



ICMag Donor
Reversion is a term more usually applied to shrubs like golden privet which can change new growth to the less desirable standard green for no obvious reason years after planting.

Haveing kept a plant clone from clone for five years i have gone through fifty odd generations , my brother has the same plant kept via seven generations of mothers , they are still of the same potency and as good as day one.


Basically I have knowledge of a plant that was taken Off x2 branches from the MainStem of a Plant and now for some Reason the Potency of the Grown Cutting has Degraded Big style..

[Never Thought there was Any Difference from where you took the Cutting (to Make a Mother Plant)but that Doesn't Seem to be the Case !?]

"Never Thought there was Any Difference from where you took the Cutting (to Make a Mother Plant"

There isn't any difference. Individual specimen health will play a massive role here however. Process of elimination here indicates a degradation of environmental variables, not genetics. Your strain is the same from whence it came, just as the SFV OG cut that's still floating around is the same, just as Grape Ape is the same, and so on.


Yes.. (And thx). TY i always believed Genes are Genes so how could it be DIFFERENT !

BUT it is man !! :smoker:


Pagan Extremist
I will ask of such things as eagle 20 or other miteicides or pesticides..... Have they been used? I have known them to degrade lines.


Señor Member
Give it some vitamin B, maybe even some seaweed extract, and watch it perk right back up to its "former" state.


Thx Hush (folks) Yes VIT B Rhizotonic (sea weed) n Natural Earth is what im gonna Do

Play the right music too :D lol


Cheers Hush.Just Ordered Some B52 (vit b) from Walnut,California,USA... :smoker:

Seriously Folks This Plant Has De Graded Big Style

Wouldnt be buying Otherwise :smoke:


You’ve given your plants the best environment, and you feed them nutrients especially designed for hydroponics.
Now you’re interested in reports that vitamins make your plants stronger, more productive and bigger-yielding.
To find out exactly how vitamins help your plants grow and produce better, scientists test identical clones side by side in identical systems. The clones are fed the same diet, except that half of the clones receive a vitamin that the other clones do not receive.
Both sets of clones are closely monitored during growth and after harvest. Scientists take plant tissue samples to measure plant metabolism, nutrient absorption, and overall plant health.
Total yield size, quality and essential oil content are also measured. Using statistical analysis and other criteria, scientists determine if the vitamin had any effects, and if so, what those effects are.
Please focus on the test results closely, because you’ll discover how B vitamins make your plants stronger, safer and more productive...
Fortunately Advanced Nutrient's scientists have repeatedly run hydroponics tests, and their findings demonstrate many B vitamin benefits for your plants, including:
Folic Acid helps plants maintain healthy metabolism and DNA, but Folic Acid breaks down easily in plants especially under intense lighting, so it’s a good idea to supplemental feed Folic Acid to your plants. Tests show that Folic upgrades the weight and quality of your harvest.
Vitamin B5 is essential for fundamental cellular processes.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps your plants use and create carbohydrates so your plants have enough energy to build strong vegetative growth and to power production of flowers and essential oils. It also facilitates your plants’ use of phosphate, which is an essential nutrient that fuels flower growth. B1 activates Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), which is the same benefit that happens in humans when a vaccination produces a pre-emptively increased immune response to future infections. What’s more, B1 assists in root development so your plants intake more nutrients faster, and are more resistant to shock, transplanting, cloning.
Package Includes:
Advanced Nutrients B-52 - 250mL


Reading that I Feel an Expert lol.Of course I'm not But Vitamin B has Played a Big Part in my life since Spring/Summer 2008.E.G Pancreatitis 5x Since due to Alcohol..
For That my Medication is Thiamine & Vitamin B Compound strong!
Most Cereals Contain b1 & Thiamine too

Suppose if they were mashed up or made into a Tea you could use that !?

Np lol
(Good to know Info..)