Greetings all As per normal i have a few seed grown plants that turned out better than expected that i would like to reveg indoors in order to have clones for next year however i find myself with somthing of a dillema as a couple of the plants i would like to reveg are also part way along to producing seed. Normaly in order to reveg i would dig the plant cut it back to a few shoots trim the roots remove any flower buds and put under 24/7 light however i would really like allow the seed to mature so my question is will i reduce my chances of a succesfull reveg if i leave the seed to mature and will the seed mature normally if i keep the plant under 24/7 lighting.
To me it would seem that the plants chances of revegging would decrease if it is allowed to mature some seed and thereby complete it's normal life cycle however i am hoping that by keeping the plant under 24/7 light from the get go i might be able to get the best of both worlds (both clones and seed) and live happily ever after. Any input, theories or personal experiance would be greatly appreciated and i will keep yoou posted on any progress i make.
To me it would seem that the plants chances of revegging would decrease if it is allowed to mature some seed and thereby complete it's normal life cycle however i am hoping that by keeping the plant under 24/7 light from the get go i might be able to get the best of both worlds (both clones and seed) and live happily ever after. Any input, theories or personal experiance would be greatly appreciated and i will keep yoou posted on any progress i make.