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i dont like flowering a reveg. too many small buds. i take clones. wait till there is enough new growth for you


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
/\ /\ /\ /\ /\

There ya go!

From time to time I find I didn't get a clone prior to flowering,, I'll take a cut, ( a BUNCH of cuts) and try to root them prior to harvest, if the clones fail - then I'll try the re-veg as a last resort. and use the reveg as a clone mommy.

getting them back to "production" time is usually done best with vegging clones

And it is also a good way to loose a strain, so I try not to count on it.
Several Months ... etc.

Several Months ... etc.

There are some practitioners who start indoors during the Winter, then place females outdoors in buckets after sexing via 12/12 for several weeks. They stay out, continuing to flower despite the lengthening hours, from early April until the first week of June. Then the buds are cut off, and select individuals are taken indoors for re-vegetation.

Small leaves and thin branches are retained during the harvest. After 48 hours of total darkness, they are re-potted, the roots & leaves sprayed with fish emulsion, and placed under low light 24/7.

It can take from several weeks to a month for sufficient new growth to appear. Then the strongest 4 or five sprouting areas are selected, and the smaller and lower growth are trimmed off. Then they are transplanted into new soil, outdoors, in late June, for the rest of the season. They're harvested in late September or early October, after about eight weeks of full Summer growth, and 8 - 10 weeks of flowering.

This technique was developed by small-scale outdoors growers, with littles space or equipment indoors ( think shop lights ), who were running out of bud by Spring, and needed smoke to carry them over until the next harvest.

This technique has worked with Sativa dominant crosses, but might not work with single-cola Indica's or Equitorial Sativa's & "Haze" varients.