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Report: NSA Infected More Than 50,000 Networks by Mid-2012


Bong Smoking News Hound
Personal note: Remember who invented the Internet. THe US government, they created IPv4 and not IPv6. Those IP addresses that are ment to identify you. :) and much more.... Read on...

Report: NSA Infected More Than 50,000 Networks by Mid-2012

David Murphy By David Murphy

November 23, 2013 05:07pm EST


Time to break out the virus scanner – or, perhaps, nuke your computer from orbit. (It's the only way to be sure.)

According to new documents provided by the National Security Agency's favorite foe, former employee-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden, Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad is reporting that the NSA has infected more than 50,000 computer networks with malware in a process known as "Computer Network Exploitation."

The process itself is nothing new; The Washington Post reported on these exploits in August. These "implants," as they're known in NSA terms, are deployed by a department within the agency known as TAO, or "Tailored Access Operations." Software engineers within TAO allegedly break into various routers, switches, and firewalls – to name a few devices – in an effort to compromise networks and, thus, gain access to the data being transmitted by the devices connecting to them.

As of 2008, TAO was allegedly able to deploy approximately 21,252 of these implants, and it was estimated that as many as 85,000 or so could be deployed by the end of 2013. Since the numbers NRC Handelsblad is reporting are based on a mid-2012 count, it's certainly possible that the NSA has been able to achieve its goal.

"The malware can be controlled remotely and be turned on and off at will. The 'implants' act as digital 'sleeper cells' that can be activated with a single push of a button," described reporters Floor Boon, Steven Derix, and Huib Modderkolk.

However, if you're thinking of some kind of Mission Impossible-like setup whereby a team of hackers in a room somewhere are launching pretty, graphical attacks at enemy networks — something that could be straight out of the Uplink game, you'd be mistaken.

As described by NRC Handelsblad, the British intelligence agency "Government Communications Headquarters," or GCHQ, performed a similar bit of network infiltration within Belgacom, a telecommunications provider in Belgium. To hack its way into the network, however, the agency employed fake LinkedIn pages and Slashdot websites to ensnare employees within the company's security and maintenance divisions and dump malware on their systems.

"In the case of Belgacom, the GCHQ used a sophisticated variant of the man-in-the-middle attack, known as a 'quantum insert', which Der Spiegel says could only be performed by a spy agency that's able to insert its own boxes into the Web. This way, when the target tries to access LinkedIn, GCHQ can serve them a spoofed version of the website instead of the real LinkedIn page," described SiliconAngle.



Active member
Read this article this morning. Shocking? Yes, but not in light of the Snowden revelations. The hits just keep on coming. Sad state of affairs when the only person telling the truth is a man branded as a traitor by our corrupt President/government. They have been not only spying on us but deliberately infecting networks with viruses, something they have accused the Chinese of. So we are now at the level of China, a totalitarian state. If you're not upset by these things, then you have already been "absorbed". Mind control by media. Take television intoxication, add a little fear, shake well and you have a populace of sheeple, duped by the very people they voted for.

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