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remove hps yellow cast from photo ?


I saw a post recently about using 'curves ' in photoshop - can't find it in search - does anyone remember where it was ?

Thanks !


If you don't have Photoshop there is a free on line photo editing program that will alow you to do the samething. I was playing around with it one day and it was as easy as click on somthing that you knew was white in your picture and the yellow was gone.


You can also adjust the white balance on your camera. This chart shows some common white balance settings.


On mine I have the custom setting. I may be explaining this wrong but from my understanding the camera can figure out the rest of the colors by knowing what color "white" is using the custom or "evaluate" white balance option.

So I take my camera in the picture shooting mode, bring up the white balance options, select the custom or evaluative mode where it will bring up a little square target, point it at something white and then press the main select button to have evaluate it. After the camera sees that the white is really "yellow" from the HPS it adjusts all the other colors accordingly bringing them closer to their true colors.

If you don't have an option like this you want to "cool" the colors down so either set the temperature yourself or set it to a setting that will add cooler colors.

tl;dr research white balance
The custom white balance described above is the best way to go about it. If that is confusing or too much trouble for you, putting the white balance on "tungsten" usually takes pretty good care of it.



I used the custom white balance settings on my diff cameras and none seemed to look right so I started using the level is photoshop where I can set white,black, and grey. I'm not that great at it but it works







Smiley your work looks ten times better than the OP NiteTiger.
I just played with it in CS2 Photoshop but it needs more time than I've got now. I'm near harvest so there is a lot of yellowing leaves which is buggering it up even more that just a white wall that looks yellow. I will go with the camera men - either wait till lights out,
or change settings.
Thanks lots to all of you !!