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Re potting size - please help


Hi everyone

I am currently in my first grow in coco. I am growing haze, top44 (both from Nivarna). I am using pure canna coco coir with Canna a + b and rhizotonic...and am now watering once a day

As you can see in the pictures they are coming on now at about 4 weeks since I put the seeds in paper towels....

I am now at a stage where I think I will re pot them on, I have had a look at some of the root balls and think this is an ok time to do it...

My question is what pots would you re pot into in the ones in the photo??

I m thinking of doing the smaller 1 1st but am wondering is it really worth it?
I have read a lot of good things about re potting into increasingly bigger pots but how big is the ideally change, if there is 1....

I remember reading in Mojo's excellent coco thread when he started from seed and his second transplant was into much bigger pots with great results so I m unsure weather this smaller step up in pot size will be worth it??

Here are some pictures of the plant roots, a photo showing all 3 pot sizes, and the size of the plant....

Want to say what a great thread that was by mojo and G'auis excellent info I learnt alot reading that
Any info will be gratefully received..

ps the biggest pot is a 7"

if you go for the 7" pot you will need to water lightly at first - because if the substrate is saturated then the small plant will take a long time to take up all of the water - If you use the smaller pot then you will be able to water as normal because the plant will be able to take all of the water in the pot fairly quickly - otherwise you should see no difference - except as Cough cough eer says - if you use the 7" pot you will not need to pot up again

personaly I go from 1" pots to 7" pots all of the time without problems

Good luck :joint:


Ok thanks for the reply I ll go to the 7" and then repot again for flower
The roots should really love this extra root space for veg....I m going have some trees on my hands hopefully...


My 2 cents,
You are using stright coco and watering once a day. By using this technique you will not need as large a pot as if you were growing in a traditional soil or soiless medium. That 7 pot will hold a 50-90 gram finished plant . You should be able to get 12-16 plants under a meter squared.
If you go right to the seven with your haze and flower it with little to no veg time you should get 40-50 gram plant depending on the pheno. The roots will fill the pot in no time and you will have meter plus tall plants in 6 weeks.
The top 44 will grow different. You need to veg them till they are one foot tall then flower them . Again 12-16 plants per meter.


Hi guys

Blinddate -
My reason for repotting is it benefits the growth of the plant and they like it! Anything my girls (well girls and boys at the moment) like they get! That's what I ve learnt from reading this forum and others...

Seaweed -
I am trying to keep my plant numbers down, that was one of the reason to go for the bigger pot i.e. I ll hopefully be yielding more with bigger pots....so have less plants..
Seaweed have you grown either of these strains in coco? If you have I'd love to hear bout your experiences and hopefully give me some tips this is my first time in coco so any tips/advice will always be gratefully taken onboard

Cheers guys


Hello again

Just got some more pictures for you of the top44 repotted...
I am going to do the haze and dr chronic seeds tomorrow as I ran out of coco today....
Here they are..I was going to top them but seem to remember reading somewhere that top44 didn't respond well to topping...can anyone confirm this for me please. I ll prob top half of them unless someone says not to..

Here are the pics



Active member
How well it responds to topping might be a question of veg time after the topping since it might not have much stretch time? I've seen some nice pics of topped Top 44.


Active member
Blinddate -
My reason for repotting is it benefits the growth of the plant and they like it! Anything my girls (well girls and boys at the moment) like they get! That's what I ve learnt from reading this forum and others...

Please explain how your plants are going to grow better/faster by constantly being repotted and having to acclimate themselves over and over again.

Start them in the same pot that you are going to finish with and that is the best you can do.


Active member
Yes, that's totally true. What plants like is to be left alone and not have some kid constantly f%$king with their roots, if I may speak on their behalf:)
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johnny5, I'm glad you enjoyed my first coco grow thread. gaiusmarius knows coco very well and I was fortunate he chose to guide me. I'm missing him lately and I hope his ventures are going well. I grow differently from the way he grows too. His watering is set up to run to waste and mine is a recirc system. He grows in slabs and on a larger scale than I do. I grow for myself and am experimenting with some crosses right now. I got over a pound of cured bud from each of the plants I grew in the spring. I let it go longer than I should have but it's still good bud and the yield was the bomb.

Seriously, try to keep it simple your first time in coco. I use only Canna A+B and PK 13/14 for nutes during the grow. No additives, preservatives, worm juice or whatnot. I'm a simple guy, hehe.

Here's what I do. I go straight from the solo cups to the 3 gallon pots I'm going to finish them in. I get excellent results by doing this. I agree that the less the plant is disturbed the better. I have to tie the taller plants down but then if the yield is up there, it's worth the extra little work.

I think re-potting's main benefit is in keeping the size down somewhat. The plant will grow to the size of the pot for the most part. My 3x6 recirc tray is sitting directly on a low profile 35 gallon reservoir so I've got some room to play with... up to a point. So I've never even tried to keep the plant from growing. I get a lot of bud from my plants.

Here's the current grow in three gallon pots at day 52 of flower.

1 GN Foxtail Sativa
3 F-13
3 Kali Most (I'm gonna scrog them next time)

They've been in these pots since I took them out from underneath my 8 strip fluorescent as seedlings. They went under 600w MH for about 6 days but I wanted to go ahead and flip them due to the Kali. Two more 400w were added as they became necessary for a total of 1400w for flower.

I'm not saying the way I do it is the best way for you to grow but it's the best way for me to grow.

Peace :wave: :rasta:
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