I can't seem to get close-ups without using a bigger setting on my camera.When I take pics using 5.0,I can zoom in on an individual trichome,but the gallery here won't hold but 2 or 3 of these size pics????I can't seem to cut them smaller without taking the cut portion from the right and bottom.I can't seem to cut the center out of the pic to leave the bud centered.It always leaves the top right corner of the pic after I cut it smaller.
Does anyone know how to defeat this problem?And still get killer close-ups that you can post without using up your whole gallery.I can't even post this size pick on IC/mag without emtying my gallery of pics.
I have several killer photos that can be blown up and still have great resolution,but can't share them because of this problem.
If anyone know a way around this problem,please let me know.
Thanks and take care...................CC
Does anyone know how to defeat this problem?And still get killer close-ups that you can post without using up your whole gallery.I can't even post this size pick on IC/mag without emtying my gallery of pics.
If anyone know a way around this problem,please let me know.
Thanks and take care...................CC