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Q on preparing holes for alkaline soil



I'm new to outdoor growing and I need your advice.

The soil here is a bit alkaline. Don't know the ph, but it's full of limestone and dolomite. What's the best way to prepare that type of soil for planting?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Active member
i'm in the desert sw and also have alkaline soil but i don't really treat it. i dig out down to about a foot or so deep and replace the soil with quality potting soil mixed 3:1 with native soil. it's usually good for at least 2 grows with minimal additives.


Active member
just a quick addition...

i also read the soil bag labels to ensure there's not an over-abundance of spagnum peat moss. even tho one would think the acidic nature of the moss would blend out with the alkaline soil i've found it does not. one brand in partcular was really bad...whitney farms, but in the bluish-grey bag. they also make another potting soil sold across the usa that is very good and i use it whenver i can find it. it's on the list of ingrediant tho, sorry can't be more helpful. but the bad stuff is much more 'clumpy' while the good potting soil is more what one would expect.

also fox farms makes an idea soil and only a buck more than the whitney's. i found it at our local hydro (go figure...) store.


Active member
Limestone and dolomite have quick water run off and don't really absorb and store. Be aware of where you plant as water run-off ie plant where water may accumulate a bit after a nice rain shower. I have some outdoors this year kind of in same type soil. Off all my plants these are always the most water starved.
I agree some peat moss and filler may be in order. Be careful of bonemeal,bloodmeal, ie fertilizers outdoors as some animals take this as the dinner bell, and your plants will soon be lost.
I always use my mixed soil down in the hole and put back original dirt taken out on top 4-6" to avoid critters coming by for a free meal of roots.
Good Luck


Hadn't thought about the water runoff....you're right, it doesn't soak it up very well. You've given me alot to consider. Good stuff, JohnBudd. Thanks

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