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Python eats drunk man in India


To Have More ... Desire Less

The simple lesson to be learned here: don’t get drunk on the streets in India.

When you drink hard, you might find yourself waking up in very strange places. However in some countries it’s quite risky to drink till you drop. A drunk man in India was taking a well-deserved nap outside a liquor store today, when he was discovered by a huge python. Unfortunately it was just around lunch time for the large snake, that smothered and ate him. The incident happened in the Attapadi area in the state Kerala. So if you ever have plans to go there on holiday, you better wait to get drunk until you’re safe and sound in your hotelroom.



Active member
Humm, Got The Munchies Anyone?

I've seen a drunk man take a container with his severed finger and try to drink it. But this...must have been a drunk Python! Ick, looks gross! jpt


Active member
Yes big snakes can eat big animals but apparently even the Anaconda cannot eat a full grown adult human . There have been deaths of people drowning after being pulled into the water . No snakes jaws will go over the shoulders of an adult , they can kill a grown human by asphyxiation but not swallow .

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I would say that it is very unlikely that a giant snake can absolutely swallow an adult person, but it's not impossible. I remember reading a story about a 14 year old boy in an African country that was killed and swallowed whole. I went looking for the article, but wasn't able to find that one specifically, but I did find this one which describes a 10 year old boy being swallowed whole. Here is the link:


The article I had read about the 14 year old kid getting eaten was from a legit news source, I do remember that. In the story linked to above, the snake that ate the kid was a 20 ft Rock python. The snake in that photograph in the first post is a Reticulated python, which is the largest (in length measurement, but not weight) snake in existence. The largest specimen ever measured was 33 ft long. So, if a 20 foot python can swallow whole a 10 year old boy, I would say it might be possible for a significantly larger snake to entirely ingest an adult human.

An important part of this debate is...what size is the adult human that got swallowed? There are some fairly small adults out there, especially in the countries where these massive snakes live. Poor diets result in very thin people, and also people who just don't grow as tall as well fed people.

So, I would think it could happen, but given the predilection of the tricksters among us, it's definitely more likely to be a fraud. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence as the saying goes.


maybe he was on long grain rice, and not so wide at the shoulders,lol.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Are you by chance the original photographer of those two images? I ask because you have IC Mag photographer below your name, and your name might suggest that you come from/live in a country that is hot and tropical, the perfect environment to find giant snakes roaming about. I could definitely be wrong about your name though...I am kinda uninformed when it comes to languages of the world.


Active member
Thats the snakes head, inbetween its body and the wheelwell of that truck its in the back of right?

Unhinged jaw or not...the sheer size of whats supposed to be a drunk dude would not fit in there...crushed or other wise. (I'm a professional drunk...I know things like this)

Post #11 ...I don't give a fuck ...thats gotta be one of the most scariest fuckn' things I've ever seen in my life...


Active member
Turns out it was a recycled pic...and the snake was from South Africa and had eaten a woman!


Active member
Are you by chance the original photographer of those two images? I ask because you have IC Mag photographer below your name, and your name might suggest that you come from/live in a country that is hot and tropical, the perfect environment to find giant snakes roaming about. I could definitely be wrong about your name though...I am kinda uninformed when it comes to languages of the world.
No. I remember this story from 2-3 years ago.

^ link


Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
No. I remember this story from 2-3 years ago.

^ link


Thanks for that link LAION. I went and checked it out, said the photo was taken in Malaysia. Both of those snakes resemble Reticulated Pythons in their markings/coloration, and the retic happens to live in Malaysia. A lot of tricks can be done with photography, first with using various focal lengths of your lens', and of course photoshop is the most frequently used tool. But just because it CAN be done, doesn't mean it has been done.

I remembered watching a TV show (Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World) that the science fiction author, Arthur C Clarke, had on TV a long time ago. On one of the episodes, there was a segment on a giant snake that was spotted by a bush pilot who worked in the area. I went looking for a clip on youtube and found a short segment where the pilot gets interviewed and shows a photograph that he took of the snake from about 30 feet off the ground. The pilot believes that the snake, after comparing it to the surrounding vegetation and his distance from the snake, was close to 50 feet in length.

Here is that clip:


This is a cool show, and if you want to watch the entire episode, here it is broken up into 3 parts:




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