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Spring is, well, trying to come to Western Mass, and it's time to get things rolling. I'll be growing a few testers this season, and it's gonna be a wild one. I've started a few early, some Super Skunk, Banana Republic, Sunny Days and a couple others. Also expect to see Blue Berry Diesel, KushMint, ECSD, some hash plant strains, and oh yes, Cap Junky and Cap Junky crosses. Going to be an interesting season for sure. Here's my first pics of the Super Skunk, BR, and SD. They may look a little stringy, I don't really have any grow lights, and it's still in the 20s here at night. Brrrrr.


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Well-known member
Way to go, friend, that will work just fine put them in the brightest window on cold days and outside on warm days. Nows a good time to get the plots ready outdoors, work the soil maybe add some compost. Thanks for sharing and keep us posted.
And first batch is starting to perk. Next is starting all the testers. Couple strains I forgot to list to above post, Wedding Cake and Bubble Gum. Got my hands on some Sugar Haze that should be amazing!!!


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started initial soak for this year. LPC went in a few days ago, but here’s the list so far:
Shorelines Kushmint, Bubblegum, Banana Republic, Wedding Cake, ECSD. London Pound Cake #75 x? #1, Bruce Banner, Sunny Days, Super Skunk, Blueberry Diesel, Lemon Skywalker, COPA Reeses x Appy,
Magoo x Appy, Cap Junky S1

These gardens are gonna be Rocking!!
One i forgot, I belive its Fast Buds Lemon Pie x Roc Buds Inc Purple Scoops.


Well-known member
Are you taking them outside yet? If not you may want to start acclimating them to more Sunlight while the Sun is still weak. I put my Spring to Summer plants under a shade tree and slowly move them in the Sun. The Spring plants in the photo are ready to plant in the soil outdoors.

Yes, I moved them to the west side of the porch on top if the piano. I've been giving them direct sun inside the windows, then outside on screened porch for 2 or 3 hours of sun, will be increasing the length if time in direct (screened) sun, before putting them out in direct sun. Soon. And those are some sweet plants. Looks like they are ready to go outside and finish up by September easy. What's the strain? Looks very Indica Kushy...


Well-known member
Yes, I moved them to the west side of the porch on top if the piano. I've been giving them direct sun inside the windows, then outside on screened porch for 2 or 3 hours of sun, will be increasing the length if time in direct (screened) sun, before putting them out in direct sun. Soon. And those are some sweet plants. Looks like they are ready to go outside and finish up by September easy. What's the strain? Looks very Indica Kushy...
Sounds like a good deal friend. I love it when someone cares for their plants, indoors and outdoors. I treat my Spring plants like pets going indoors when it is cold and outdoors on pretty days. It's a little trouble but I don't mind.

The ideal amount of growing time to build up to is 6 hours minimum amount of Sun daily. Find a location where your plants can get at least that amount or more. Also remember to protect the soil containers from excessive heat by shading them from the Sun on hot days.

Sounds like a good deal friend. I love it when someone cares for their plants, indoors and outdoors. I treat my Spring plants like pets going indoors when it is cold and outdoors on pretty days. It's a little trouble but I don't mind.

The ideal amount of growing time to build up to is 6 hours minimum amount of Sun daily. Find a location where your plants can get at least that amount or more. Also remember to protect the soil containers from excessive heat by shading them from the Sun on hot days.

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Yes, I stopped using the traditional black planter containers and switched to tan 20-30 gal fabric pots. Placing containers or pots on milk crates also helps cool them down with air flow beneath. Also, once the black containers root into the ground, moving them is detrimental in my experience.
So last night I bagged up a few beans in the new fabric bags instead of solo cups. The organic medium I got was maybe a mistake, a little woody, and I hope I can keep it moist enough.

Shorelines Kushmint, Bubblegum, Banana Republic, Wedding Cake, ECSD. London Pound Cake #75 x? #1, Bruce Banner, Sunny Days, Super Skunk, Blueberry Diesel, Lennon Skywalker, COPA Reeses x Appy,
Magoo x Appy, Cap Junky S1


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My thoughts on the plant itself I cannot say, as I've yet to grow it. From what I've seen and heard, good things. But I grow outdoor, not indoor, and have not seen very many large Cap Junky. Only smaller ones, maybe I can change that.
Maybe not.
In response to your question, I've heard good things. I have Cap Junky and CJ crosses. And am currently working to cross CJ with Blue Kush in a project with another breeder. The crosses and CJ I have now are femenized, and I'll be giving them a run outside this season.
The partner I have in the BK cross has declared that the CJ is amazing and his favorite in his tent in a long time.
Will keep you updated.


Active member
bless you dude...I may get to share your sentiment on this strain very soon..and I will document the larger specimens you might want to see if managed..very highly regarded from reports I've seen and tbf I have seen biggies..lolol..its all in growing the plant a few months in vegg for me...I hope to talk to you again in the very near future regarding this beautiful strain..what an absolute crowd pleaser this one is turning out to be ..lolol..thankyou for the reply fella!