Take a look at this place-I did a search for 100 sativa and it showed a list of 30 . Haven´t looked at all of them but you may get lucky. and even if you don´t order from this seller, it´ll give you the name of the strain and breederI wish to have a pure sativa breed to grow but my search so far gave me only indica-sativa breeds in diverse percentages.
Can someone suggest a breed from a good seed bank with very high or 100& sativa percentage?
I second that. Ace has quite a large selection of landrace Sativa to choose from; you'll likely find several Sativa that will fit your needs or interests.My first choice would probably be ace, but admittedly i am new to growing (~2 years) and know fuck all about sativas.
Also Ace sells one called zenith. I have never run it but have heard great things about itAce Seeds. all the way. I would suggest their honduras line
Honduras. Regular seeds. ACE Seeds
Honduras regular seeds. Honduras seeds. Honduras sativa seeds. Honduras landrace. Pure sativa seeds. 100 % sativa seeds Central American sativa. Clean effect. high yielding sativa seeds. Landrace seeds.Landrace strain.Regular seeds. ACE Seeds. Best sativawww.aceseeds.org