St. Phatty
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When I first found this little igloo-ish home built out of pieces of blackberry stem - with a little guest house on the side - I was pretty damn impressed.
Turns out it belongs to one of these guys, or maybe a family -
"The dusky-footed woodrat constructs houses of sticks and other debris in trees or on the ground. Commonly, adjacent stick houses are connected by paths between ground level openings that lead to large central chambers through a maze of passageways. A central chamber is used for food storage; and some houses have a latrine. This woodrat is more active at night, but may be abroad during daylight hours."
I needed to get rid of all the combustible fuel around a wood fence.
Not too hard to do. I used plywood to shield the house from temporary intense heat, while I create a serious fire-ball about 6 feet away.
I tend to spend time on PREP. The actual burning is over fairly quickly.
I set up sprinklers on the edge of the burn area, partially so I will have a hose with running water nearby in case I need some water.
That would be easier if it was a steel or aluminum fence.
Anyway will try & get some video of "Neotoma fuscipes".