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Protecting the Woodrat's Miniature Log Cabin Home, During a Controlled Burn

St. Phatty

Active member
Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20210501_105743woodrat2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	197.6 KB ID:	17848399

View looking North

View Looking South

Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20210503_085323woodrat2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	155.1 KB ID:	17848400

When I first found this little igloo-ish home built out of pieces of blackberry stem - with a little guest house on the side - I was pretty damn impressed.

Turns out it belongs to one of these guys, or maybe a family -

dusky-footed_woodrat_jacob_kirkland_flickr.jpg?itok=fZcSQmhw.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	dusky-footed_woodrat_jacob_kirkland_flickr.jpg?itok=fZcSQmhw.jpg Views:	0 Size:	20.9 KB ID:	17848401

"The dusky-footed woodrat constructs houses of sticks and other debris in trees or on the ground. Commonly, adjacent stick houses are connected by paths between ground level openings that lead to large central chambers through a maze of passageways. A central chamber is used for food storage; and some houses have a latrine. This woodrat is more active at night, but may be abroad during daylight hours."

I needed to get rid of all the combustible fuel around a wood fence.

Not too hard to do. I used plywood to shield the house from temporary intense heat, while I create a serious fire-ball about 6 feet away.

I tend to spend time on PREP. The actual burning is over fairly quickly.

I set up sprinklers on the edge of the burn area, partially so I will have a hose with running water nearby in case I need some water.

That would be easier if it was a steel or aluminum fence. :)

Anyway will try & get some video of "Neotoma fuscipes".


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i think the fire is going to spook them for sure
even if they dont feel the heat they will smell the smoke and run
thats cool you want to protect these critters and i hope the best for you and the wood rat

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
What you are doing is very good and I'm sure Mr Woodrat will concur.
Let us know how it goes and if anyone lost some fur!
Best wishes for a good outcome


pure dynamite
Maybe throw some weed into the first so they chill? J/K good luck and may it be a fully controlled fire!

St. Phatty

Active member
Spray water all over the area before you make the fire.

Exactly what I should have done.

I burned an area about 10x20 feet, and stood upwind of the fire, in the middle of the thorns etc.

Then I realized that the fire had burned under the plywood, and was burning the edge of the Wood Rat home.

A good example of the difference between a hose and a bucket.

If I had had a bucket, I could have put it out right there.

Instead I ran to get the hose, and had to bring it in through the area I cleared yesterday.

By then the Rat Home had started burning again, on the edge.

Didn't see any rodents but DAMN, building an igloo type shelter out of blackberry stalks that it makes itself.

Hundreds or thousands, all assembled into something that protects it from the rain.


Well-known member
any updates? have your furry neighbors ever shown back up? you could try scattering a few sunflower seed, food is a great motivator...

St. Phatty

Active member
any updates? have your furry neighbors ever shown back up? you could try scattering a few sunflower seed, food is a great motivator...

These rats could climb K2 (the super steep mountain).

They find a way onto the roof of the chicken coop and then have to solve a puzzle-maze to get into the coop.

Their rat-built home is still there. Will be doing a burn near their home in a few months. Will leave it un-touched & just cut some of the dry blackberry around them.

I found one female, alive & stuck in the chicken mesh. Very carefully cut her out of the mesh.

1 inch chicken mesh really is not good enough. Got to use 1/2 inch mesh.


The Cannabis Cat has learned to eat mice and rats.

I think he starts out playing with them by biting them and they're just not up for it.