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Problem with cuttings - or not??


Hello everyone

I have just picked up 50 critical mass cuttings from a mate to bring home to put in a cloner bubbler..however when I got back to mine an got m DIY cloner out I discovered I have got no air stones (I must have chucked them out before) therefore I can't use the cloner till the morning when I can go and buy some new airstones....

My question is are the cuttings ok till the morning just sitting in tap water????
I had to pay some $ fr these cuts and don't want to waste them...

Any advice gratefully received...I m sure they will be fine but clarification would be nice from any experienced grower


Just been thinkin of putting alot of pinholes in the tubing that was connecting my air stones to the pump so the tubing sort of acts like an airstone

Just going to try this out....will let you know if it is effective


ya bro they will be fine for a day or two. leave em with the cut tips in the water. i have actually been experimentin with the same thing. i was able to keep cuttings in an open ziploc in the drawer of my fridge for a few days, with and without the gel. i use bubbler cloners too.


Ok cool thanks for that info.
I did pierce some holes in the tubing at it bubbles abit, might leave it on like that overnight with cuttings just in the water
What you think?


ya you got it bro. bubblers are the way to go! i had an air pump fail on me for 3 days or so before i noticed and they were fine. :joint:


Non Conformist
Let-er bubble...

Let-er bubble...

Yul be fine in yer bubbler.The whole reason fer the bubbles is ta keep it from goin anaerobic and rotting yer cuts.Air is air,the stones jus make more air.The fridge thing works too,seems ta put em in a suspended state that some claim gives them more vigor than they would have had otherwise.(?) Good luck! Take care...BC


I totally agree I pretty much always get 100% with bubbler cloners..

I have 2 long 12" airstones and a water heater set at approx 25 degrees..

I just put in normal tap water ph'd to 6.5 and I don't use any gels or powder

I swear any strain works well using this method...


For tonight I m just leaving them in tap water and then put them in the bubbler tomorrow
maybe put some pics upto just for fun


put a lil hygrozyme in there and they'll root even better. i use the long bendable bubble bars.