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Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic


I always hear people talking about Pro-Mix HP, BX, etc, but not so much about this stuff.

Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic.

It has added sea going compost to it. I mixed up a couple 1 cf bags of this with some perlite added along with some EWC and dolomite lime.

To this I added:

Kelp Meal
Bone Meal
Alfalfa Meal
Crushed oyster shell
And will be adding soft rock phosphate when it gets here.

That pro-mix seems like some good shit being OMRI certified and what-not.

Does anyone have any opinions on this kind of pro-mix?



I considered it a while back, I remember there was something that turned me off about it. It is really cheap, it would be worth giving a shot. If you try it let us know.


It is fairly cheap but when you look at the ingredients it seems fine. After opening the bag I thought the stuff looked great.

It is currently sitting for a week or 2 before I transplant my girls into it....but like I said my first look at it...looks like excellent shit.

It was either that or gardenSafe potting mix, but they only had the small bags of it, so I opted for the Pro-mix ultimate organic.



I'm not sure if you are wondering about this vs. the other products or just how others feel about this particular product. I see this stuff alot and I wonder myself why people purchase this. I know it has been covered many a time.. but just cause promix BX and HP are not OMRI or any of that crap, doesn't mean its "inorganic." its neither here nor there I suppose. Its a sterile media consisting of peat moss (organic material) and perlite (also kinda natural)
As for the OMRI.. i suppose that since the ultimate organic mix has compost (which im sure wasn't sterilized for obvious reasons) then it is necessary to denote on the bag that the product is completely organic (not sterlized) I hope that made some sense.. The only reason the OMRI is on there and not BX or HP is because the latter 2 do not need the cert.

now value wise.. seems like a good price for soil.. but I would say if it costs any more than promix BX + a bag o compost (or better yet homemade) then there is no reason to get it. Make your own Ultimate Organic Mix... That bag is all marketing.


Well i do add stuff to it to make my own "organic mix" but this is the best available option in my area, i will not buy online with the high shipping prices.

I was just looking for others that have used this and what they thought.

It's nice and fluffy, and for now seems like a good option.



Well i do add stuff to it to make my own "organic mix" but this is the best available option in my area, i will not buy online with the high shipping prices.

I was just looking for others that have used this and what they thought.

It's nice and fluffy, and for now seems like a good option.


I didn't mean to suggest that you dont work with the mix to make ur own, I was just refering to the substrate (unamended) When it comes to substrate.. I shoot for cheap.. 8$ - large bale peat (PRO-GRO is the best I have come across - stay away from the brand whose logo is like hT (french canadian co.) its really chunky). 15$ 4 cu perlite. 4-5$ bag for compost....

I do love me some promix bx though.. I use it for seeds/cuttings/"early life" mixes. Would love to try HP..

Buying online is also something i won't do (wish icould tho).. It really limits me to available worm castings (wiggle worm :( which i refuse to buy)..
Are you saying that other promix varieties are unavailable?

I also noticed that the U.O.M. in bale form comes in around 2 cu. ft. while BX comes in almost 4. Maybe thats just my area though.

BTW - I used some of the Ultimate Organic Mix (that comes in the orangeish reddish 2 cu.ft. bales) last summer in my veggie garden.

Fred el Gato

I've been using it for almost 2 years now. Anything else out there in my area has been amended or has MG written on packageing.It works great for fresh rooted clones(no burn) and seems to promote vigorous growth. It also dosen't seem to become to compacted either.I'll continue to use it as long as the girls like it. Grow on,Fred

Fred el Gato

By the way the green bag is for indoor(hasw some perlite added) the orange bag is outdoor(no perlite) I have used both,just had to add more perlite to outdoor mix. Grow on,Fred


There are a bunch of threads in here about it. I have been using it for awhile now with good results. I actually started recycling it now and have had no major issues.

Works for me.
yep good stuff at a good price... i add espoma biotone starter plus and plant tone to it for veg and used it as a base for my supersoil and have been recycling it for 2 years


follow your heart
ICMag Donor

can I ask why the use of oyster shell, and dolomite?

do you feel lime doesn't give you enough Ca ?


I just hear good things about it when recycling, and I do plan on saving my soil, and it's cheap.


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