I've been a legal mmj patient since 2000. I have never broken the mmj law ever. When the med law in 2010 hit so did the gold rush with all "retractable pain" patients rushing for a chance to grow. I've met thousands of patients between here and colorado and it seems like I've met thousands more caregivers then patients. I have never met a caregiver couple who run more than 12k in lights and nor would they need to. Its just not economically viable for the numbers and to stay legal under state law with amounts of product on hand. Some of us are patients because we absolutely need the medicine while others just wanna cash out. If law enforcement ask to see my plants they can, I have nothing to hide and am certainly not going to freak out on an open forum complaining if I were supposedly legal. Those who are breaking our mmj laws are just screwing it up for the rest of us. Who can challenge that? It is what it is. -$180/ ounce