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President Obama, US Senators Offer Support For Medical Cannabis On CNN's Sanjay Gupta


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"President Barack Obama offered qualified support for efforts made in the U.S. Senate to decriminalize medical marijuana during an interview for CNN's documentary "Weed 3: The Marijuana Revolution," which will make its debut Sunday night. Hosting the program is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the network's chief medical correspondent.

Gupta asked the president his opinion of the proposed Carers Act of 2015, a Senate bill that would change federal law regarding state-legal, medical-marijuana programs. The bill would allow states to legalize marijuana for medical use without federal interference, increase research into marijuana's medical benefits, and reclassify its status as a dangerous drug. Obama replied:

"You know, I think I'd have to take a look at the details, but I'm on record as saying that not only do I think carefully prescribed medical use of marijuana may in fact be appropriate and we should follow the science as opposed to ideology on this issue, but I'm also on record as saying that the more we treat some of these issues related to drug abuse from a public-health model and not just from an incarceration model, the better off we're going to be."

Introduced in March, the Senate bill seeks to classify marijuana not as a Schedule I substance but as a Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which has five different categories of drugs and drug ingredients. The reclassification would give scientists more freedom to experiment with marijuana as a medical treatment.

Although 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, the federal goverment has for decades had it designated as an illegal Schedule I substance -- alongside heroin and LSD. However, many studies have shown marijuana's possible medical benefits, from alleviating chronic pain and halting the progression of Alzheimer's disease to reducing seizures.
During the documentary, Gupta also spoke with two of the co-sponsors of the proposed Carers Act of 2015 -- Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. -- and the program host said both were "very optimistic about it."

"People have been trying to do variations of this for 40 years, 50 years. I asked them, 'Why is this different?'" Gupta told International Business Times. "They really feel that there’s a revolution sort of feel, both from the lay public as well as the scientific community. What they’re asking for, while it’s audacious compared to where we are now, it’s very much common sense."

Gupta added that the three senators who originally co-sponsored the bill, a group that includes 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., are putting a great deal of their resources behind the bill.

"Cory Booker’s exact language is 'We're gonna get it done,'" Gupta said. "That may sound like some simple language, but there's a lot behind that because it came after me pushing him about why this time was different and how they were going to get it done this time. And I reminded them that people tend not to win elections on this issue, they lose elections on this issue. But these senators are really putting their weight behind this."

Echoing Obama, Dan Riffle, director of federal policies for the Marijuana Policy Project, told the Huffington Post that the regulation of legal marijuana could be done in the same way the U.S. regulated tobacco -- without criminalizing it and while offering public education about its dangers.

"That would require moving marijuana out of the Controlled Substances Act's list of schedules altogether, just like tobacco, and instead using taxes, honest education and sensible regulations. That's what's working in Colorado now, and what every major poll shows the majority of Americans are ready to do," Riffle said.

Aside from its impact on public health, decriminalizing marijuana would cut the staggering number of U.S. prisoners incarcerated for nonviolent drug possession or distribution. In 1980, there were about 40,000 drug offenders in U.S. prisons, according to research by the Sentencing Project. In 2011, the comparable number was more than 500,000. Along this line, Obama has spoken before about his desire to remove criminal penalties for nonviolent drug offenders."


Been waiting a long time for this!
It looks like it will happen.
Now they need to release all Cannabis prisoners!


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ICMag Donor
It has been a couple weeks, but I just watched Weed 3 tonight. It was crazy seeing the official government farm go from barren to acres of flowering plants in 2 years. I didn't know things were improving that much. Tonight I also learned that hospitals near where I live use Volcano vaporizers and local bud as an option for treating pain.

It was good seeing Obama saying he'd like to see marijuana studied as a medicine. It's up to Congress to actually change the rules to allow that.


Gupta is an interesting and encouraging case in himself.
Here's a man who went from believing that marijuana was a gateway drug, gave teenagers permanent brain damage and could give you heart disease,( all of which have been shown to be false conclusions from faulty studies or just outright lies) to understanding the real value of MMJ.
He studied the facts using objective science and accepted the information despite that it uprooted what he initially believed.
This is the behavior all scientists and doctors should espouse. Sure politicians are self seeking fools who tow the power lines or they're plain old stupid. But intelligence needs to carry the day.

Hea! Hear! for Dr. Gupta! A true leader has joined the revolution!



It has been a couple weeks, but I just watched Weed 3 tonight. It was crazy seeing the official government farm go from barren to acres of flowering plants in 2 years. I didn't know things were improving that much. Tonight I also learned that hospitals near where I live use Volcano vaporizers and local bud as an option for treating pain.

It was good seeing Obama saying he'd like to see marijuana studied as a medicine. It's up to Congress to actually change the rules to allow that.

There has been plenty of studies on marijuana as medicine. Our politicians just do not want to read/believe them. Obama is just doing what most politicians are doing and saying what his targeted audience wants to hear. He says this on a cannabis documentary however he has spent more raiding/prosecuting cannabis users then Bush or Clinton. If he really wanted to do something or believed in cannabis he could reschedule it. Instead medical patients are still being prosecuted federally in my state. This hypocrisy makes me sick.


Gupta is an interesting and encouraging case in himself.
Here's a man who went from believing that marijuana was a gateway drug, gave teenagers permanent brain damage and could give you heart disease,( all of which have been shown to be false conclusions from faulty studies or just outright lies) to understanding the real value of MMJ.
He studied the facts using objective science and accepted the information despite that it uprooted what he initially believed.
This is the behavior all scientists and doctors should espouse. Sure politicians are self seeking fools who tow the power lines or they're plain old stupid. But intelligence needs to carry the day.

Hea! Hear! for Dr. Gupta! A true leader has joined the revolution!


It is hard to admit you were wrong and few do it in this day and age. I commend Gupta for that and bringing cannabis to many who have not heard the truth before.


Active member
There has been plenty of studies on marijuana as medicine. Our politicians just do not want to read/believe them. Obama is just doing what most politicians are doing and saying what his targeted audience wants to hear. He says this on a cannabis documentary however he has spent more raiding/prosecuting cannabis users then Bush or Clinton. If he really wanted to do something or believed in cannabis he could reschedule it. Instead medical patients are still being prosecuted federally in my state. This hypocrisy makes me sick.

Exactly^^ That's the bullshit situation here too. And then just this week some young , dumb, teenage, kid gets smacked with a felony for less than 13 grams, that's less than half an ounce. In O'Bummer's home-state and town no less. Oh, but we're just talking MMJ right? Wrong, it's the entire attitude.

I might be overly cynical, but I say total bullshit. He's just passing the buck and doing what politicians do best, avoid anything they think might at all cost them ANY votes. No matter what his constituency says,no matter what majority says. The truth is he could change this TODAY. Himself. In one easy swipe of his pen. They have already long passed the time when logic and truth told them what was right.

Maybe I should be happy, but I think it's TOTAL bullshit and business as usual. We're talking BIG money, old money. THAT's the holdup.


Active member
There has been plenty of studies on marijuana as medicine. Our politicians just do not want to read/believe them. Obama is just doing what most politicians are doing and saying what his targeted audience wants to hear. He says this on a cannabis documentary however he has spent more raiding/prosecuting cannabis users then Bush or Clinton. If he really wanted to do something or believed in cannabis he could reschedule it. Instead medical patients are still being prosecuted federally in my state. This hypocrisy makes me sick.

Exactly^^ That's the bullshit situation here too. And then just this week some young , dumb, teenage, kid gets smacked with a felony for less than 13 grams, that's less than half an ounce. In O'Bummer's home-state and town no less. Oh, but we're just talking MMJ right? Wrong, it's the entire attitude.

I might be overly cynical, but I say total bullshit. He's just passing the buck and doing what politicians do best, avoid anything they think might at all cost them ANY votes. No matter what his constituency says,no matter what majority says. The truth is he could change this TODAY. Himself. In one easy swipe of his pen. They have already long passed the time when logic and truth told them what was right.

Maybe I should be happy, but I think it's TOTAL bullshit and business as usual. We're talking BIG money, old money. THAT's the holdup.

-I guess you can tell I didn't sleep well last night but my bullshit meter is about pegged.


Active member
ICMag Donor
There has been plenty of studies on marijuana as medicine. Our politicians just do not want to read/believe them. Obama is just doing what most politicians are doing and saying what his targeted audience wants to hear. He says this on a cannabis documentary however he has spent more raiding/prosecuting cannabis users then Bush or Clinton. If he really wanted to do something or believed in cannabis he could reschedule it. Instead medical patients are still being prosecuted federally in my state. This hypocrisy makes me sick.

I agree that he should have done a lot more than he has on this issue. For whatever reason, at least he's not standing in the way of the legalization movement now. That's why I said it's up to Congress (and the states) to change the rules. Obama won't do it on his own.

Depending on who we vote for, we could have a more cannabis friendly president next time. Or not. It's crazy that some of the candidates say they'd shut down the legalization movement if they were in charge.


Well-known member
I feel that if california can legalize in 2016 a lot of states will follow like dominoes and then we'll get federal legalization maybe in 3-4 years


Active member
Obama is scum. No question about that. He has done significant damage to the country, re: open borders, etc., etc., etc. His city is thugs gone wild. Just the worst person ever elected.

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