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Powdery Mildew season

TMA of Colorado

New member
What's everyone's plan for controlling powdery mildew in your greenhouses for the next month or so until they finish?

I've dealt with it earlier this spring, we had 3 weeks straight of rain every day, no sun and cooler than normal weather. That weather caused the PM to get going on a couple of plants in my greenhouse. I burned sulfur every night for a week and then every other night for another week and didn't have any problems until I noticed it creeping back 3 days ago. I am in the process of treating it the same way; burn sulfur all night for a week or two then every 2nd-4th day after until it is all harvested.

If you have a greenhouse and are in an area that gets PM, i'd suggest buying a sulfur burner now, before you need it. You can burn it for a few hours here and there for control maintenance, which is way better than having to burn all night for a week(s).
Id like to say no to a sulphur burner.

It is great for veg i hear. BUT in flower you will have weed that tastes like sulphur... which isnt a tasty smoke...

Id suggest TRYING something (maybe next year)!

Instead of sulphur, brew some compost tea. foliar feed it all with compost tea. It has billions of living things. they are so densely populated that it out competes the PM for leaf space dominance. I had it protect me in a GH on the front range last year.

I am of the opinion that it has worked as a cure all (for me) for your problem... AND its some of the best fertiliser spray out there!

PROBLEM YOU HAVE, THOUGH, WITH TEA is that sulphur you've used also kills the micro life in the tea that would be saving you.

Sorry to hear about this. but next year spray some compost tea on your plants RATHER than sulphur burn. You will be happy with the results!


Active member
Please do not burn sulfur in your flowering greenhouse, especially if someone else is going to smoke it.

EXEL LG organic Systemic in Veg/ First week of flower

Green Cure if flower if any PM appears

Burning sulfur in Veg is one thing.. in flower? Up until harvest? Come on bro..


TMA of Colorado

New member
Please do not burn sulfur in your flowering greenhouse, especially if someone else is going to smoke it.

EXEL LG organic Systemic in Veg/ First week of flower

Green Cure if flower if any PM appears

Burning sulfur in Veg is one thing.. in flower? Up until harvest? Come on bro..


Have you actually used the green cure and got rid of the mildew? i only used the sulfur early on to rid the greenhouse of the PM, which it has done with no affect on the buds. Everything gets tested at fullsprectrum labs once finished to ensure it's all good.
i have actually used compost tea to get rid of mildew... it does work!

if you havent burned sulphur in a couple weeks, it would be good to go!
I am in the process of treating it the same way; burn sulfur all night for a week or two then every 2nd-4th day after until it is all harvested. (ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?)

If you have a greenhouse and are in an area that gets PM, i'd suggest buying a sulfur burner now, before you need it. (Its too late, we are way in flower, and your advice id like a boat with a hole in it. IT IS USELESS AND DOESN'T HOLD WATER) You can burn it for a few hours here and there for control maintenance, which is way better than having to burn all night for a week(s).

But judging by your original post on august 24th (already too late to be doing this)... telling people you are currently in the process burning sulphur every 2nd to 4th day until harvest... and telling people to go buy one now BEFORE they need it, after its already too late... makes your other quote even more of a joke:

i only used the sulfur early on to rid the greenhouse of the PM, which it has done with no affect on the buds. Everything gets tested at fullsprectrum labs once finished to ensure it's all good.

you cannot do both of:
1. burn sulphur every 4 days until harvest AND
2. only use sulphur early and test it clean of sulphur at full spectrum labs... come on... if you are burning now like your original quote said, you smoke WILL SUCK SO BADLY!, and test of sulphur... which is why i forsee you not testing this run of buds.

I have therefore concluded that:
1. you are a fruad
2. you dont have a clue what you are talking about
3. you serve sulphur laden buds to people who trust you
4. All of the above



Active member
i just spray the plants 2 times with bayfidan from bayer

last time is just before flowering starts

and i never have had pm since.


Active member
Have you actually used the green cure and got rid of the mildew? i only used the sulfur early on to rid the greenhouse of the PM, which it has done with no affect on the buds. Everything gets tested at fullsprectrum labs once finished to ensure it's all good.

Yes, Green Cure has successfully gotten rid of PM on late flowering plants. We also do a rinse at the end of harvest on any plants that have been sprayed with Green Cure in the last week of harvest to ensure no residue in left behind, but Green Cure leaves little to not residue of anything. Evaporates very quickly.

The trick to controlling your Greenhouse is to use preventable measures to ensure you never see PM.

EXEL LG is a systemic fungicide designed for use on edible crops, a very good and much safer alternative to Eagle 20EW.
Apply EXEL LG @1oz. per gallon of water, 10ml of Coco Wet or any other spreader.. Also make sure your PH is in check. I use lemon juice to lower..
Apply every 10-14 days in Veg room, there is basically to re-entry time, the garden is safe to enter as soon as the foliage is dry. Where gloves, long sleeves, and googles when applying. No respirator is needed..

EXEL can be applied up until the end of the first week of flower.

Also, during veg use your sulfur burner to kill any existing spores that may be left.. BLEACH EVERYTHING. I walk around our rooms with spray bottles of bleach weekly...

If any PM appears in flower, spray Green Cure with lights off... Repeat in 3 days.. then check for PM in your garden...

Compost Teas are a great way to cure PM as well! We have just started messing around with this and love it.

Let's bring quality medicine to the patients here in Colorado, not sulfur sizzling buds...



How are you guys using that Greencure?

I mean like are you soaking whole affected areas or just trying to get the white spots while avoiding the bud? I am seeing some pm and have green cure but am reluctant to really get the buds with it.