I unexpectedly was offered the opportunity and ultimately took possession of a small farm in Southern Oregon on July 1st. The areas outlined should ultimately end up under cultivation
Going to take my best crack at producing the most Ganjaweed possible for the least amount of capital investment in the shortest amount of time. Preparations for this entire endeavor didn't even cross my mind until June 15th or so, this entire undertaking literally fell into my lap.... --Fingers Crossed--
Will be using all the preexisting infrastructure [which is free!] after a giant cleanup but be focusing on amending and planting in the native soils. Saving $$ and most importantly time, planting in the native soils will allow us a myriad of benefits once properly irrigated. Forget about pallets of Ocean Forest or truckloads of some engineered potting mix, We be Farming!
The neighborhood seems to be crackin', can't wait to make friends!
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