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Pot Brownie Kid Faces Life - Texas


Active member
this came out back in may ...and have been following it with un ease

Jacob Lavoro is a 19-year-old Texas youth who is charged with a crime that even under tough anti-drug laws in that state would normally be a misdemeanor. But a bizarre and seemingly nonsensical technicality turns his violation from a minor offense to a first-degree felony that carries a maximum life sentence — making what Jacob Lavorno did in the eyes of Texas law a crime as serious as murder.

Here’s what Jacob Lavoro, an otherwise ordinary teen from Round Rock, Texas, who has no previous criminal record, did to warrant this possible punishment.

He baked some pot brownies.

But here’s the mind-boggling catch that could put this 19-year-old in jail for life, or at the very least, five years. He used a recipe that called for hashish oil in the brownies. For some reason, under Texas state law, that one step allows the state to measure not only the weight of the drugs, but the weight of the entire brownie or batch of brownies.

In other words, the sugar, butter, cocoa powder — or Betty Crocker mix — all count as “illegal drugs” when police determined the charge they would bring against Jacob Lavoro. So by the state’s calculation, his pot brownies put Lavorno in possession of 660 grams or just under a 1 1/2 pounds, of illegal drugs.

Hashish is the same drug as marijuana, from the same plants, but it contains somewhat higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, the active ingredient in pot — and pot brownies.

But under Texas law, the fact that he baked pot brownies with hashish instead of marijuana makes Lavoro’s batch of pot brownies worth a first degree felony, just like murder. In fact, as a recent report on an Austin TV station pointed out, a man recently convicted of murder in Williamson County was hit with a 20 year sentence. Jacob Lavorno could end up in prison for that long, or even longer, for baking some pot brownies.

“I was outraged. I’ve been doing this 22 years as a lawyer and I’ve got 10 years as a police officer and I’ve never seen anything like this before,” said the teen’s lawyer, Jack Holmes. “They’ve weighed baked goods in this case. It ought to be a misdemeanor.”

Lavoro’s father says he is now terrified for his son’s fate.

“It’s outrageous. It’s crazy. I don’t understand it. Five years to life? I’m sorry. I’m a law abiding citizen. I’m a conservative. I love my country. I’m a Vietnam veteran, but I’ll be damned. This is damn wrong. If he did something wrong, he should be punished but to the extent that makes sense. This is illogical. I’m really upset, and I’m frightened, I’m frightened for my son.”

If Jacob Lavoro does indeed receive a life sentence for baking pot brownies, he would be far from the first American to receive a life term for a nonviolent marijuana offense. The site LifeForPot.com, which monitors marijuana sentencing, lists more than 20 people currently serving life terms for nonviolent, marijuana-related offenses.

(Worth a look even cash?)


Active member
They need to see if the judge has stock in any private prisons. That is how he could be making money buy filling his stock owned jails. This has been done before, giving tougher sentences and longer jail time...


Well-known member
in a just world the prosecutor and kids roles would be reversed
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Police allegedly caught Lavoro with a pound and a half of hash brownies and cookies last April, after a neighbor called Round Rock police saying the smell of smoke coming from Lavoro’s apartment was making her sick.
Earlier this month, Lavoro’s supporters delivered a petition with more than 243,000 signatures to the District Attorney’s Office requesting charges be reduced.

Lavoro is now charged with two lesser felonies related to his possession of hash oil and marijuana, facing second degree felony charges for possession and intent to distribute.

The more serious of those charges is a second-degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in prison, but Lavoro could also be eligible for probation in a potential plea bargain agreement.

“We don’t want to get bogged down in the distractions,” Williamson County Assistant District Attorney Mark Brunner said, adding his office felt they could have gone forward with the case but did not feel it was worth the time.
lab results show there was actually only 2.5 grams of marijuana’s psychoactive ingredient, THC, in the brownies.
“As prosecutors,” Brunner said then, “we are bound by what the law is, not what the law should be or could be.”

Gry have you a link for this ....?

Bob Green

Piece of shit neighbors think they are heroes too. Bitch needs to be punched in the ovaries!

Some of those places out in the south still have dry counties. After all this time some poor guy is driving across two Texas sized counties for a twelve pack of beer.

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