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posting pics

Hey guys

Just some quick help please....

How do I just insert photos off my hard drive into a thread???? I dont understand with all these web address insert thingies etc.

Please help me. Ta...


Me neither??

Here man,when posting pics always use the regular post
reply not the quick post box.....now post widow comes up
you have a heading line space at top and the typing box below.
Type somthing in the box and look to your bottom right corner!
THere it says pics....hit it and another widow comes up letting you
browse threw your PC and scroll threw pics and hit a pic it opens file..
When the pic is uploaded that browser box empies,then just close that page!
Now at the bottom of typing box there will be page 1 of your gallery
To the right there is a 2nd scroll nob scrol it down a bit its short anyway but
it shows pages 1 threw how many pages of pics you have right there so there
is a sidways scroller too,scroll sideways to go threw the resent uploaded pics.
Punch on a pic there in the mini box under the type box and the pic goes to post!
Let me help again if you need...




TYping box......

BOOM the new window comes up!
Hit a browse botton,this lets you choose pics in your PC....
Scroll threw your pics and hit one,that makes it ready for upload!
Hit the upload botton,that pic uploads and the page blinks a bit,close it.
Now you have this box again so look below the smileys at botom here?
Should be your pic or pics just hit one and its in the post,press submit reply!

You can even print aftre pic!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Thanks Lougrew

Thanks Lougrew

Lougrew....I didn't know that! Thanks Dr. Duck.
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