Hi all. It's negative your Daily dabber here. I like to press my own rosin...so much cleaner in my opinion. I can tell the difference.
Here is my daily driver. Not perfectly clean but this is the real world....The glass is a Mothership knock off. It is nice and I use a added 4 stem bubbler to increase filtration. Hits very soft. My heating choice is a electric enail. I used to use a torch but that's to imprecise and cave man like for me. It is a Menovo brand. Got it several years ago for around $100.00. Still works perfectly. Has a remote and keeps heat just where you set it. I use a Sherbert, glass dabber, to dab from then have a ti cap that I put on top for the oven effect.
Love to start the morning off with a dab or 2, then a couple bong rips and a coffee...all good.
Love to see some of your rigs...I go simple but effective.
Have a great day all.
Peace, negative.
"you better pace yourself when you dab with me, I'll have ya feeling like you smoked a whole half a P, this ain't tree, it's that concentrate."
Here is my daily driver. Not perfectly clean but this is the real world....The glass is a Mothership knock off. It is nice and I use a added 4 stem bubbler to increase filtration. Hits very soft. My heating choice is a electric enail. I used to use a torch but that's to imprecise and cave man like for me. It is a Menovo brand. Got it several years ago for around $100.00. Still works perfectly. Has a remote and keeps heat just where you set it. I use a Sherbert, glass dabber, to dab from then have a ti cap that I put on top for the oven effect.
Love to start the morning off with a dab or 2, then a couple bong rips and a coffee...all good.
Love to see some of your rigs...I go simple but effective.
Have a great day all.
Peace, negative.
"you better pace yourself when you dab with me, I'll have ya feeling like you smoked a whole half a P, this ain't tree, it's that concentrate."
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