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Pollinator Companies NEW QUICK FILTER BAGS


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Pollinator Companies NEW QUICK FILTER BAGS
Here are photos of the NEW Quick Filter Bags from Mila and The Pollinator Company. They have redesigned the bags so that the screen is now higher along the sides. This alows for the tricomes to gather at the bottom of the screen like normal but still alows water to filter along the sides easily. Making for easier work and faster tricome collection.

Pollinator Companies NEW QUICK FILTER BAGS


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Nice touch. I wonder how much different they work, and whether they stretch over a bowl as well. Looks good though.

...The competition heats up...


good question? the idea is good. specially for people working with the 20 gallon set. if you don't have a tap in the bottom of your barrel you have to lift a huge weight of water to even start the draining. with the bigger sizes it's not too bad, but with the 25 and 45 it can be a real back breaker. much better to have a tap at the bottom of the barel. if the barrel is on a stand then you can catch the water and reuse it. combined with a machine one could make bubble hash at an industrial rate if one had the starting material lol. maybe this system with the washing machines will make the price of bubble hash come down in the dutch coffee shops? i mean some sell the best bubble for 45 euro a gram.


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Water Spicket in the barrel ?

Water Spicket in the barrel ?

Yes indeed good Question, Gaiusmarius,
I have been waiting for a commercial sized question to come aboard!!

But I will first give Bubble___ the rights to the question.? Since its is his Thread and all....

For the question is if you had a tap in the barrel would it drain faster?

And my question is where do you find a barrel like this but made professional and for Water Extraction uses?

Keep the Brain moving and the water Flowin!!Water Spicket in the Barrel???


what i meant is with a tap in the bottom of the 20 gallon (100lt.) bucket, you can let the water drain off without ever lifting the bags full of water. with no tap you have to lift each 20 gallon bag up enough for the water to start draining off. with the slow draining 25 and 45 bags it's a total back breaker.

what makes bubble hash faster to make is the bubble machines; bubble now and later. with those machines doing the mixing you save the settling time of 30 minutes per run, not to mention the mixing is automated.

now if you combine the washing machine with a bucket with a tap you can produce bubble faster than ever before.
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I'll save ya a little time folks - I tried it and it didn't work. At least my versions didn't. The water didn't just flow out the bottom. The trichs settled in and clogged the 25 screen, and without agitation all I had was a bucket full of bags and water. I drilled out the bottom with about 50 holes, no good. I tried using a big hydro cup, no luck. It seems the bag must be agitated or shook to get the stuff to flow. I'd guess it would work better if I just left out the 25 bag, but I don't wanna.


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Barrel with Drain.

Barrel with Drain.

Yes, this idea has been thought about and worked on for many years now. And basically there is no easier or faster to make water extractions, other than pulling the bags up one at a time and manually agitating them. Nothing comes for free!!
To answer the last question about the drain not working because of clogging, well there are Professional Barrels made to help prevent this problem, but in the end you still have to work.



Now that's very strange.

i have personally watched bubble being made that way with the 20 gallon set. you are missing the point. you don't have to let it drain all the way out. but enough to make lifting the 20 gallon bags easy instead of back breaking hard. of course you still have to pull the bags one after the other, but instead of lifting 80 litters of water, ice and plant mater, you lift maybe 20 litters.

by the way Chief, i know about adding the tap yourself. that's been my plan for a long time, lol. it's become one of those things i keep pushing forward. i did look for a tap once but they had nothing suitable. ideally i'll attach a piece of hose to the tap, that way the tank could still sit on the ground and the water pressure would be enough to drain it to a third easy.

one thing i don't get is this talk of clogging, my bags never clog, they are still like new. i wash them every time right after use with cold water. the 45 and the 25 might be damn slow, but they do drain with time or agitation.


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Well, here's the bucket I made. It didn't help any. I'd be more than happy to learn of a better way that works. LOL - without paying $250 for a rubbermaid container with wheels. Interesting reference though.

I have severe arthritis for which I use MMJ, but lifting heavy bags is difficult. Muscles are NO problem, but the grip is gone. LOL - I even have trouble sometimes holding the wooden spoon for stirring. Bummer. That's why I bought a bubbleator.

As it is now, I agitate the bags, and pump them up and down. That works real well. But I have trouble holding them. If only there were eyelets at the top to hang them...

Here's a shot of my bucket. If you all can suggest improvements, I'd be grateful. There's gotta be a better way, but I haven't found it yet. Maybe I need a thread.

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Drain in Barrel

Drain in Barrel

Yes, we all have been waiting for somebody to figure this one out. As far as the drain only helping the water drain so that there is less water to lifted is true. Also it can help so that you do not have to lift the barrel afterwards to get rid of all the end water. you can hook you drain hose upto the house drain or ? and never see it.
As far as making your own, you need 2 barrels or buckets, The top one with drain holes and the bottom one with the spigot. This gives it space to drain.

Wheels really do help when working all day. For these containers come in 2 seperate pieces, container and wheels. As I have seen people do as many as 23 runs with the 32 gallon bags in one day!! For that is alot of bag pulling!!

Reference: Bubblebags 20gallon kit is really a 32gallon kit.

For help in Agitating you can try putting a waterproof vibrating object (toothbrush, dildo) in the bag to help disrupt gravity and help the water pass.

As far as clogging this refers to gravity clogging the holes in the bags with wet tricomes causing for it to "clog" and not pass proper.


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Thanks for the pics and the suggestions. I do keep my bags very clean, rinsing them as I pull them. Water flows through them well.

ilife - what an idea, a dildo to stir the bags at the bottom. LOL, that's one use for a dildo that I doubt the manufacturer ever thought of.

And 23 runs of the big bags - what a fantasy fulfilled. Now that would make some great pictures.

I started a thread to see if anybody else has any ideas. Feel free to drop by - please..... LOL

Thanks for all your suggestions and help, may all your bubble bubble.
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Bags with eyelets

Bags with eyelets

To answer the question, why doesn't anybody make water extraction bags with eyelets. This would be SWAGG Bags. They make bags with eyelets and pulleys, but same problem, now you have a bag suspened in air full of water, and it will not drain because of gravity. this could work with the new quick drain bags?? This is where the vibrating mechanism comes in handy. to disrupt the gravity and to keep the water flowing.


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Sometimes when a friend lifts the bag, I "fondle" the bottom of the bag, and water flows out. Kinky. All I'm doing is disturb the trichs on the bottom. It's slow, but with my limitations, it works. My buddy complains a lot though. LOL

We usually use the "jerk and snatch" technique, where we jerk it up and down to force the water to drain. He does it well, but my arthritis will not allow me to hold the bag well, hence my interest in alternatives.

I have NO idea why I didn't think of this before. Been taking my dumb pills I guess. Boating places sell eyelets for canvas. Put a few of those in, and I should be good to go. Then I can "fondle" the water out. That would work when my buddy isn't here.

ilife - I still like your idea of the vibrator, it's worth a try, anything is. Big thanks for the suggestion. Now to go in search of a waterproof dildo. LOL - I can just see a bag, hoisted into the air, with a running dildo in the bottom. Quite a picture.

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