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pollen can only travel 3 miles so hemp all over is all good!


Active member
omfg i just wanted to smack this guy

ed rosenthal says hemp pollen rarely goes much past 3 miles, anyway. is there a more credible source than that?

i was on this other forum, i knew i should not have gone digging there too much. in discussion on hemp being legalized for industrial growing in california, i brought up the pollen issue....these folks really think there is no pollen issue?!

i advised that they speak to some outdoor growers from the midwest in an area with lots of wild hemp, from everything i've read you do NOT want to use your seed from harvest on the next batch in spring as it's going to be 1/2 industrial hemp most likely

any opinions?


omfg i just wanted to smack this guy

i was on this other forum, i knew i should not have gone digging there too much. in discussion on hemp being legalized for industrial growing in california, i brought up the pollen issue....these folks really think there is no pollen issue?!

i advised that they speak to some outdoor growers from the midwest in an area with lots of wild hemp, from everything i've read you do NOT want to use your seed from harvest on the next batch in spring as it's going to be 1/2 industrial hemp most likely

any opinions?

I have the same problem with that idea in Kentucky. One of the gubernatorial candidates wants to bring back hemp as a legal crop here. I'm not sure it's something I would be too crazy about with all of the hemp pollen in the air, ruining outdoor gardens.

It seems like I remember that in either France or Spain, the cops used to gauge estimates of the cannabis crop in North Africa based on pollen content in air samples (taken in France or Spain). Based on that, it would seem that the pollen can carry a good distance.

Interested to hear what some of the folks from the Midwest have to say about this, too.

Edit: Here's the citation and abstract, I can't get the article online:

Atmospheric transportation of marihuana pollen from North Africa to the Southwest of Europe

Baltasar Cabezudo, Marta Recio, JoséMaŕia Sánchez-Laulhé, María Del Mar Trigo, Francisco Javier Toro, Fausto Polvorinos, Atmospheric transportation of marihuana pollen from North Africa to the Southwest of Europe, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 31, Issue 20, October 1997, Pages 3323-3328, ISSN 1352-2310, 10.1016/S1352-2310(97)00161-1. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231097001611)

As a result of aerobiological samples taken on the Costa del Sol (S. Spain), Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) pollen was detected from May to September 1991–1996, always sporadically and usually during the afternoons. Sampling was by two volumetric spore traps set up in Malaga and Estepona, two coastal towns approximately 90 km apart. A study of the days when this pollen was recorded points to the movement of air masses from North Africa to southern Spain. Furthermore, the isentropic air trajectories calculated for these days reinforce the possibility of the pollen originating in marihuana plantations in northern Morocco (Rif). This study demonstrates the application of aerobiology to the control of the source, quantity and phenology of the crop.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
There is feral hemp all over the place around me. This plant is about a half mile from me, and there were many more next to her:


I'm not having any problem raising sinsemilla - apart from my own pollen chucking crosses.

Last season I had 1 lone seed in my backyard garden.

two heads

Active member
Same for me. We shut down one site that was about 1 km from a large hemp farm because of unwanted pollination but all our other sites a bit further afield have been fine. Hemp is too important as an eco-alternative to paper, cotton, nylon and as a source for omega 3s to discourage over pollination concerns. We ganja growers have to suck it up and support hemp!


. We ganja growers have to suck it up and support hemp!

Or we ganja growers have to smoke it up and support hemp lol:smoker:

Indeed the hemp pollen can travel all over the globe if the Sahara sand can .Wind is power


Active member
i'm not against hemp farming btw, it's an amazing plant that should be free imho. i just want folks to know that pollen can and will travel! so it might be good to do seed runs in enclosed spaces in the future if hemp is grown far and wide legally


It can travel a long distance...is it viable over that distance...probably not. I think thats what Ed was reffering to when using the 3 miles as a distance...


i'm not against hemp farming btw, it's an amazing plant that should be free imho. i just want folks to know that pollen can and will travel! so it might be good to do seed runs in enclosed spaces in the future if hemp is grown far and wide legally

In Spain, the evening news actually gives cannabis pollen warnings for allergy sufferers. The pollen blows from Morocco, across the Mediterranean sea to the Iberian Peninsula. Wind borne cannabis pollen can travel for many miles. Just turn on Antena 3 news in Spain during pollen season!


Active member
hey thanks for that mr. cervantes! wow i could totally imagine california having similar warnings if the laws continue to become more lax over here. i had no idea that they would announce something like that on the news, man i need to find a youtube clip of that =)


ICMag Donor
Have read hemp can produce up to ten tonnes per hectare of pollen , 40 ish grammes each at very high plant density , 500 million grains per plant.

Trial plantings in the UK could become a problem locally .


In Spain, the evening news actually gives cannabis pollen warnings for allergy sufferers. The pollen blows from Morocco, across the Mediterranean sea to the Iberian Peninsula. Wind borne cannabis pollen can travel for many miles.
Yeah I remember that from many years ago when I was reading High Times. They could gauge the Moroccan harvest by the pollen count in Spain. A little more than 3 miles!
In Marijuana Botany by Robert Connell Clarke, he refers to a paper where they show cannabis pollen to travel up to 200 miles!

I don't think that is all too likely, not like everything in a 200 mile radius is hit with pollen. The wind generally blows from the west, so follow the wind and that will be where the pollen goes. If the plants are surrounded by woods or hills, most of the pollen will be wasted on the surrounding plants and lands. Also as the pollen travels longer distances, the chances of it catching some moisture and shooting its pollen tube gets higher. Less and less viable pollen will reach long distances.

I do think though that if there were enough hemp in a place like cali, where outdoor growing is prolific, that would be a large hindrance to sensi farmers and breeders.


I have the same problem with that idea in Kentucky. One of the gubernatorial candidates wants to bring back hemp as a legal crop here. I'm not sure it's something I would be too crazy about with all of the hemp pollen in the air, ruining outdoor gardens.

It seems like I remember that in either France or Spain, the cops used to gauge estimates of the cannabis crop in North Africa based on pollen content in air samples (taken in France or Spain). Based on that, it would seem that the pollen can carry a good distance.

Interested to hear what some of the folks from the Midwest have to say about this, too.

Edit: Here's the citation and abstract, I can't get the article online:

Atmospheric transportation of marihuana pollen from North Africa to the Southwest of Europe

Baltasar Cabezudo, Marta Recio, JoséMaŕia Sánchez-Laulhé, María Del Mar Trigo, Francisco Javier Toro, Fausto Polvorinos, Atmospheric transportation of marihuana pollen from North Africa to the Southwest of Europe, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 31, Issue 20, October 1997, Pages 3323-3328, ISSN 1352-2310, 10.1016/S1352-2310(97)00161-1. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231097001611)
Try this:

As a result of aerobiological samples taken on the Costa del Sol (S. Spain), Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) pollen was detected from May to September 1991–1996, always sporadically and usually during the afternoons. Sampling was by two volumetric spore traps set up in Malaga and Estepona, two coastal towns approximately 90 km apart. A study of the days when this pollen was recorded points to the movement of air masses from North Africa to southern Spain. Furthermore, the isentropic air trajectories calculated for these days reinforce the possibility of the pollen originating in marihuana plantations in northern Morocco (Rif). This study demonstrates the application of aerobiology to the control of the source, quantity and phenology of the crop.


In Spain, the evening news actually gives cannabis pollen warnings for allergy sufferers. The pollen blows from Morocco, across the Mediterranean sea to the Iberian Peninsula. Wind borne cannabis pollen can travel for many miles. Just turn on Antena 3 news in Spain during pollen season!

Sure that is for sure but is it viable? That is the question.


Well-known member
I know for a fact pollen traveled down the street as my neighbors 1st grow was Cali Skunk and he didn't trash the males soon enough. I only found a few seeds in my Sativa so I grew them out. The leaves are the widest Afghan hash plant type leaves I have seen. I hope they are not feral hemp. Maybe I will get lucky and get some good drug cannabis.


Señor Member
There will come a time when people who are growing for medicinal or drug purposes will have to grow inside of a greenhouse under positive pressure with a HEPA filter on the fresh air intake. People should consider factoring this in now and on into the future...

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