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please stop calling it "legal"


in no state in the u.s., and as far as i know nowhere in the world is cannabis legal (happy for you if i'm wrong about your particular country... seriously, happy).

regulated, decriminalized, whatever... it's not legal.

i'm not here to play semantics, to stomp on toes with my iron pedantry boots...

they want us to shut up and smoke our cookies and cake.

varieties we will never see again because of the drug war that could have treated some unknown medical issue, mountainsides destroyed by paraquat and taking countless varieties... who knows what kinds of antidepressants we could have potentially lost...

and they want us to be happy with these "legal" markets...

buy 2,000 landrace seeds and start your own breeding project without the proper paperwork (not even to sell... just for creating your own seed line or finding your holy grail), in the right state they would not like that (might even make the feds unhappy, idk i'm not gonna find out). but big business comes in and fills out the right paperwork, pays EXORBITANT fees that no working class human could afford, bob's yer uncle.

but i could buy 5,000,000 tobacco seeds or tomato seeds and grow to my heart's content... smoke all the tobacco, hell i could genetically engineer my own tomacco plants and patent them bitches [looked it up: "simpson's did it", fucking of course].

they are gonna "legalize" more varieties into extinction, more medicine into obscurity.

as long as businesses owns the sole legal rights to breeding and serious collecting, it's not legal.
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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I love listening to these dumbasses say " with modern day legality we need to crack down on the black market."

Well if it is legal how is there a black market??

It's regulated at best and poorly to boot.

Not that I care about laws regarding cannabis but I did look up my area's canna laws. 3 mature plants per household. Got a good laugh out of that.

Meanwhile the "stores" here are full of powdery mildew brown mids. I have seen the buds. I haven't and won't be in the stores personally.

Meanwhile fires rage, our food is legally poisoned by chemicals and all the rage is people doing legal drugs that make a person lose 100 lbs in two months. Higher cancer rates than anywhere in the world. Highest insurance costs in the world. 42nd on the list for life expectancy. But yeah, let's make sure some dumb hick (me) only grows three dope plants. Makes sense.


3 mature plants per household.
it's a slap in the face.

some states afaik don't even specify mature, flowering, male, female, etc... so does that mean if i'm allowed to grow four plants but i start with 8 seedlings the good guys are legally allowed to come and bust in my door, shoot my dogs, and handcuff my kids???

ffs, when will the drug war finally... end?

like... regulate the market, i get it... ya know with exceptions for farmers market type deals and being able to trade freely for goods i guess, considering the state technically runs commerce as per the commerce clause but there is no reason i can't grow 100 tom hill hazes in my front yard and find my grail (barring rippers and oh yeah that pesky winter thing) and help all my friends get high for free.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
good points and true

smoked my first joint in 1963 , had to hide and sneak around until about 15 years ago when I moved to Colorado

we are not There yet , but we have come a long way baby!…



we are not There yet , but we have come a long way baby!…
i do have to take a deep slow breath and smell the roses sometimes, at least we... (most of us) can go online and buy any number of amazing chem hybrids in feminized, equatorial sativas in feminized, sleepy hashplants in feminized and hell almost anything not lost to time or being hoarded like the last fleshlight in a world of *poof* no women.

(sorry about the shittiest metaphor, lol i'm hitting this "legal" cambo thai skunk something or other and am higher than donkey kong's nuts after he got drop- kicked by godzilla)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
SOME states have come a long way. where i live is not one of those places, however. but those that complain because they can"only" grow a certain number of plants? i don't want to hear it. :rolleyes:

this is true , not all states , yet

it will be interesting to see where we are in 5 years , 10 years?

I am visiting Washington and was in a smoke shop to buy a vape straw and saw magic mushrooms for sale

the store clerk assured me that they are psychedelic..

I look forward to buying over the counter dmt , mescaline , and opium..💪🏻


the fight's not over,


of course i'm with you in solidarity, the fight is in varying degrees of up shit's creek, but we can get there.


(ninja edit)

this is true , not all states , yet

it will be interesting to see where we are in 5 years , 10 years?

I am visiting Washington and was in a smoke shop to buy a vape straw and saw magic mushrooms for sale

the store clerk assured me that they are psychedelic..

I look forward to buying over the counter dmt , mescaline , and opium..💪🏻
haha wow... thinking about otc 5-meo-dmt vapes haha they'd better have a trip sitter and some cushions on site lol
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i took that advice back when it was just me... and took my licks for it.

now i have 3 generations of ppl dependent upon me, in varying degrees. i'm not willing to rainbow farm my family.

more power to the heroes out there that risk their necks pushing the bar, and i have mad respect for the nevils and the skunkVAs of the world etc., but that's not the life for me nor for countless working class families.

and tbh, i find that to be quitter talk and talk that benefits the innit4dacommerce guys.

the point is people still rot away in prison for nonviolent offenses, families are torn apart and people are even still dying all because of the drug war.

the fight ain't over.


Well-known member
I look forward to buying over the counter dmt , mescaline , and opium..💪🏻
only got to eat peyote cacti once, would cheerfully repeat that experience.
the point is people still rot away in prison for nonviolent offenses, families are torn apart and people are even still dying all because of the drug war.
yeah, i'm not as "bold/brave" as i was when unencumbered by the constraints of family/children/mortgages. too old to start over & forced to consider my wifes job security. if i got popped, she would in all probability lose her job as well. and there would go the roof over our heads.


Active member
in no state in the u.s., and as far as i know nowhere in the world is cannabis legal (happy for you if i'm wrong about your particular country... seriously, happy).

regulated, decriminalized, whatever... it's not legal.

i'm not here to play semantics, to stomp on toes with my iron pedantry boots...

they want us to shut up and smoke our cookies and cake.

varieties we will never see again because of the drug war that could have treated some unknown medical issue, mountainsides destroyed by paraquat and taking countless varieties... who knows what kinds of antidepressants we could have potentially lost...

and they want us to be happy with these "legal" markets...

buy 2,000 landrace seeds and start your own breeding project without the proper paperwork (not even to sell... just for creating your own seed line or finding your holy grail), in the right state they would not like that (might even make the feds unhappy, idk i'm not gonna find out). but big business comes in and fills out the right paperwork, pays EXORBITANT fees that no working class human could afford, bob's yer uncle.

but i could buy 5,000,000 tobacco seeds or tomato seeds and grow to my heart's content... smoke all the tobacco, hell i could genetically engineer my own tomacco plants and patent them bitches [looked it up: "simpson's did it", fucking of course].

they are gonna "legalize" more varieties into extinction, more medicine into obscurity.

as long as businesses owns the sole legal rights to breeding and serious collecting, it's not legal.
Great summary!

I actually made a comment connected to this train of though in a prior post on this forum. Cannabis got legalized in Canada alright, a shit ton more regulations and penalties incurred if you're caught doing something they deem unlawful, all for the opportunity to buy the shit from a store using point of sale tap on your debit card.

And the worst thing about the dispensary garbage is they did a study using over 90 000 specimens from different dispensaries throughout the country. They found that all samples contained only a handful of different terpenes/cannabinoids, the same ones, just formulated in one of three ways.


Well-known member
Canada is legal for every house to grow 4 plants. Medically you can get 4 licenses per spot which you can get up to almost 500 plants per licence... so just under 2000 plants if you were really about it.
Heck I've heard some dudes have 1000 plant license but they probably have a good doctor and lawyers....

Then you could also start a micro LP(licensed producer) which the limit I believe on those is 2000 Sq meters of grow canopy..not sure if that's just for flowering or flower and veg area combined.

To get unlimited grow space you have to start a standard LP which I believe gives you unlimited plant count and flowering space... that would be the unobtainable licensesthe regular guy cant really get like you say, thats the corporate one basically..walmart grows...

You can also start a nursery here with unlimited veg space and 50 square meters of flowering area for making seeds and such.

That's Canada in a nutshell.

2000 decent sized plants is basically gonna take up about half an acre to do a proper grow of it....Most people don't have the money to run 2000 landrace plants for breeding out..in a greenhouse or indoors...indoors is gonna cost even more then a greenhouse grow.... there's no money coming in on a project like that and at the end of the day, what's the payoff?

The market here is fickle as hell... you end up going broke here doing that. Nobody in canada is looking to buy landrace weed.. So basically you need to be rich with zero money incentive because it's gonna cost an arm and leg with no get back.. thats why you don't see this. Under medical here it could be done by regular Joe's, but nobody is gonna do that here. Unless they are rich and can afford to not make any money off it.... thats my take.
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Orange's Greenhouse

Well-known member
Are you dumb? Legal means regulated. It will always be regulated and for good reasons too.

Nowhere will you have an unregulated market. Where you can use whatever pesticide you want, use whatever packaging you like and throw in any additives that make money and sell it without taxes.


Active member
Are you dumb? Legal means regulated. It will always be regulated and for good reasons too.

Nowhere will you have an unregulated market. Where you can use whatever pesticide you want, use whatever packaging you like and throw in any additives that make money and sell it without taxes.
I can get down with this idea.

However, would you care to explain why fast food establishments are allowed to wash their meat in ammonia and then go on to use shit like yoga mat rubber in the breads they bake?

I'm really doubtful of the legitimacy of the claim they make that it's 'for our health' when alcohol and tobacco products are perfectly legal. Monsanto operated and treated many of the foods we ate for YEARS before going defunct in 2018.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
It's a fucked up situation in a fucked up world...
It is what it is, so up to us Guerrilla Growers once again to keep the underground and all its variety alive, even if just for future generations.
We've come pretty far though in terms of how widely accepted smoking and growing weed has become over the years.
Also virtually no more excessive, life destroying prison sentences in most of the world.
Keep on keeping on...

Orange's Greenhouse

Well-known member
I can get down with this idea.

However, would you care to explain why fast food establishments are allowed to wash their meat in ammonia and then go on to use shit like yoga mat rubber in the breads they bake?

I'm really doubtful of the legitimacy of the claim they make that it's 'for our health' when alcohol and tobacco products are perfectly legal. Monsanto operated and treated many of the foods we ate for YEARS before going defunct in 2018.
What? Do you want to throw more buzzwords around? Do you know who is the #1 player in agronomy? Because it is not Monsanto/Bayer. It's the favourite target for those "fighting for the good" but why not go to the top?
Care to yell at the clouds too? Because you're yelling at specific words and don't care to understand why they use ammonia. I mean, there are so many things wrong with american meat industry and you choose to call out the most benign aspect?

And then you think that there is no regulation of alcohol. Read up on "glycol wine" and the problems with moonshine.

Please add more whataboutism.


Well-known member
this is true , not all states , yet

it will be interesting to see where we are in 5 years , 10 years?

I am visiting Washington and was in a smoke shop to buy a vape straw and saw magic mushrooms for sale

the store clerk assured me that they are psychedelic..

I look forward to buying over the counter dmt , mescaline , and opium..💪🏻
They sell shrooms here in Colorado too. They're even in some gas stations. My shrooming days are over though. Did plenty in WA when I was younger. They grow wild there.


Active member
What? Do you want to throw more buzzwords around? Do you know who is the #1 player in agronomy? Because it is not Monsanto/Bayer. It's the favourite target for those "fighting for the good" but why not go to the top?
Care to yell at the clouds too? Because you're yelling at specific words and don't care to understand why they use ammonia. I mean, there are so many things wrong with american meat industry and you choose to call out the most benign aspect?

And then you think that there is no regulation of alcohol. Read up on "glycol wine" and the problems with moonshine.

Please add more whataboutism.
What 'buzzword' did I use that got you so incensed? I'm actually in agreement with you lol. Those were just examples I used to rhetorically drive home the point that the regulations they put in place for our health are more often than not just a crock of shit.

Perhaps you ought to go back and re-read what I typed out, albeit a bit slower this time. You'll notice I made no mention nor insinuation about there being a lack of regulations in regards to production of alcohol products.


Are you dumb?

Legal means regulated. It will always be regulated and for good reasons too.

Nowhere will you have an unregulated market. Where you can use whatever pesticide you want, use whatever packaging you like and throw in any additives that make money and sell it without taxes.
are you illiterate?!?!

read my actual post(s)!!!!

i never said i wanted it to be commercial wild wild west and then i even go on to say this here:
.. regulate the market, i get it... ya know with exceptions for farmers market type deals and being able to trade freely for goods i guess, considering the state technically runs commerce as per the commerce clause but there is no reason i can't grow 100 tom hill hazes in my front yard and find my grail (barring rippers and oh yeah that pesky winter thing) and help all my friends get high for free.

(edit-ed for minimum cornfusion)
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