It's been brought to my attention there are a few people causing unrest in this forum. This will stop one way or another.
As soon as I can find someone to translate these threads for me I'll be doing some cleaning of members that want to keep causing turmoil.
ICMag Administration decides who moderates forums here. Members don't. We also decide what violates the Terms of Use, members don't.
So if you value being a member here you will stop. If you want to be banned from the site continue with the actions you are doing now.....
As soon as I can find someone to translate these threads for me I'll be doing some cleaning of members that want to keep causing turmoil.
ICMag Administration decides who moderates forums here. Members don't. We also decide what violates the Terms of Use, members don't.
So if you value being a member here you will stop. If you want to be banned from the site continue with the actions you are doing now.....