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Please Help Me!


So I mae some ISO Hash, like I've done a few times all ready, but now I have a problem which hasn't been quite as bad the last few times, as it is now.

How on earth do I manage to handle this stuff AT ALL??????
It sticks to everything! My fingers, the knife, bud, whatever it touches. I tried to smoke a bowl yesterday, and got it stuck every where.

Sometimes I make this stuff and the result is like a rock, no problem.....

This time, I had some of it I scrapped up, and it's really really really viscuss. It holds it shape but if I leave it on a knife overnight it runs down and makes a strand sticking to the shelf. It's still incredibly sticky too.

Some other spots on the plate were rock hard and I couldn't scrape em, so I put a little bit of alcohol in it to get it all in one spot.... it's still kinda of runny, some of the alchol needs to evaporate.

I guess, what 'm asking is, how do you handle this stuff in order to store it, get it in a bowl, etc, with out getting ti stuck every where???




After you make it and the iso has evaporated, scrape it up, using razor blades(careful),needle, etc, into a pile.
Get a 5gram glass vile, heat the top of it, then using a needle twirl up a blob of oil that will fit into the glass vile and put it in.
To get it use a long needle and pull some out, if its hard, lightly heat up the vile.


Active member
A couple of thoughts if I may;

The non-stick cooking bag is good, as is any bag made of teflon. It takes longer for the iso/but to evaporate, but much easier to handle. Just set the bag into a bowl or vase or something like that, and pour it in.

Try putting the well-purged hash in the bowl (or bag) into the refrigerator, and then carefully scraping it up off the bowl when it is well chilled. Carefully because the hash will tend to pop off the glass and go flying. The bag should just be turned inside-out, and the material should fall right out. :jump: This also makes it easier to get it into the vial.

A storage suggestion - if you can get a "petri dish" at a local science supply house or something I recommend considering them. The pyrex ones at my supply house are about $3.00 each. They are flat, have lids (covers), and it's very easy to get to the hash. They also stack well.

Don't worry about the little bit of mess you'll have after putting it in a vial, baby food jar, or other. Take your mess and clean it up with a rolling paper, then roll yourself a fat one. :smoker:

Just my :2cents: worth.

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Active member
if its still sticky, it sounds lie there is still ISO in it. you can try using the 'budder' technque on it. this will get out the rest of the iso that hasnt bonded with the cannabinoids.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Some iso never will harden but i never messed with it enough to pay attention and figure out why and i really don't like it as much as BHO. But yeah the freezer trick is a good suggestion. My .02

PS. I have noticed that people who do a long soak like over 30 sec tend to get runny oil more often, maybe contaminants?
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Active member
nah, what I found when I used to use iso, was the the contaminants would make the fully purged iso balls feel more waxy, and make them abit more pliable. if its runny enough to spread on paper, theres still solvent in it.


freeze it man, and as it ages it hardens as it purges better, but yeah, BHO is funner LOL


Active member
Flamengo said:
freeze it man, and as it ages it hardens as it purges better, but yeah, BHO is funner LOL

all freezing does is allow one to prolong the wash process by making the chlorophylls/waxes to become harder/ more rigid, thus taking a longer period of time to wash off into the iso. butane is much easier, and quicker.

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