Hi there....My next grow is going to be in coco, i decided to give it a whirl..
I have found somewhere to buy plagron coco 1 metre slabs, they are half the price of canna slabs, and even cheaper than rockwool slabs..... Has anybody used plagrons coco, and if so whats it like?? I know some cocos are not really all that good coz they have a high salt content in them...how are these? They(plagron) do say they have trichoderma in them like the canna..... So is plagron coco a good quality coco media? The extreme cheapness makes me wonder about it...
I have found somewhere to buy plagron coco 1 metre slabs, they are half the price of canna slabs, and even cheaper than rockwool slabs..... Has anybody used plagrons coco, and if so whats it like?? I know some cocos are not really all that good coz they have a high salt content in them...how are these? They(plagron) do say they have trichoderma in them like the canna..... So is plagron coco a good quality coco media? The extreme cheapness makes me wonder about it...