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::::Pipeline Farm 2017::::

::::Pipeline Farm 2017::::

  • Pruning/topping

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • LST- Low-stress training

    Votes: 13 68.4%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor
Out digging in the dirt again. If you didn't notice already, summer is blowing in. We're looking at our first string of 90's this week.

Growing last year's seed. Its afghan IBL with some jamaican lineage from Hill Temple Collective stock in years past! Been keeping the genetics preserved using multiple males and pollinating until about week 3 in August. :smoke:

Dug all the holes touching so the entire patch was dug. When amending I forgot to bring a cup to measure and ended up using almost all the 36 lb bag of Espoma Garden-tone! Plants were a bit shocked for the first week but lookie here. They're growing well!

Had deer or a rodent cut a bunch of plants and we're now down to 25. That's ok, it happens, but its time to put up a fence... :smoke: Last year about Sept. 25 some kind of animal tore most of the plants up eating seeds. I late pollinated until Sept. 3 due to pollen source timing and had a bunch of seeds. I think the critter wanted seed and he got stoned in the process and threw buds everywhere making a mess! Can't make this shit up. Well he's back so I peed like half a dozen times, let the dogs hang out, and put up a fence. Even got a little mulch going and watered them. Next week we will do first top dress. Expecting some rain this week to get them settled in.

Enough said? How about some views.... Enjoy! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
I usually don't mulch. I bet it helps!

Got a good fence put up





ICMag Donor




Leaf burn from not watering right away, dug it same day a little wet and used too much fertilizer. It happens...



ICMag Donor

Cut by the "Woodchuck" Salvaging this one. There was another I almost salvaged, but it got bumped and broke too bad. Have to plant extra for stuff like this. Its all good...



gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Look's like a great spot you have there pipeline.
Does it get decent sun? Hard to tell from pics.
Looks well hidden though.

Soil looks clumpy. If your going to use the spot again next year. Try mixing in several large bricks of cocco . I bet they will love it.

Seems like your off to a great start this season. I look forward to watching your adventures again this season. How many years have you been running this strain now?

Best of luck and may all your Buds be Huge

Peace GG


ICMag Donor
Oh yeah it gets sun. The trees are beginning to grow in but its still more exposure than my old swamp environment site. Morning light is good then it tapers off around 4 or so. I need to post a couple from 2016 at this spot. Its good on sun!

Good idea hauling in something to break up clay. I like compost the best. Soil here isnt too bad, but it could be improved. I dug when it was a little wet this year, so I'll need some organic matter for sure to loosen it up more when digging next year.

How many years running the strain? This is year 8 I think. 2010 was a good year with a heavy harvest and lots of good seed. That was the beginning I think. I'll have to look. I've always pollinated in August. Thanks for the well wishes! Going for those big buds!:smoke:



ICMag Donor
Oh yeah topped all of them except 2 today. thats probably the only topping they get... Go cannabis hemp! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Welcome Triple M! I love watching the patches grow in the wild. Have to push and hack that stuff back. Its coming soon where I'll be letting it grow back in for camo. Not as much airflow and more mold problems growing out in the wild... The spot this year is better airflow than the old swamp site. Can't wait to see them grow! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Just so thankful for our Almighty God and his son Jesus! Just be kind! With His steadfast love and mercy we will always be victorious if our heart is right. We have to humble ourselves and realize we are part of something great. Keep fighting the good fight! God goes before you. He is alive and works to defeat your enemies! We can have no fear. God is sure with us.

Thank you Jesus! You showed us God's spirit! :smoke:

Great thunderstorm going on tonight. God is so good to us! Its really amazing if you stop and think about it..... Looking forward to watching the plants grow and our God alive and at work! Forever and ever.... Forever.... He gives me hope and I find rest in his presence among us....



Hello Pipeline
Once again a heavenly place for your growing up.
Great source of inspiration as always your 3D.
Really great, much respect.
I wish you green paths, blessed by our Lord.
All the best :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Thanks for stopping by Roos! Glad to hear you're enjoying the thread! God Bless!

More thunderstorms again this evening! Sure glad I put down grass mulch! The plants probably wont fall over as easily and the soil won't be as crusted!

Top dressed this evening my tomatoes and peppers. Thinking the girls are due for their first feeding. Always work top dressed fertilizer into the top of the soil... The plants love the extra air and the fertilizer gets worked down into the rootzone.

Saw a small black helicopter fly low back and forth today, miles from the plants... I know who that is... In God we trust! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Wow we got 2-3 inches in the last couple days! Glad I topped them or they would have shot straight up! Everything is so lush this time of year. Can't wait to watch them grow!:smoke:


ICMag Donor
How about an update? I made it out to check on the girls this past weekend and the little stem cutter varment is at it again, even with the fence. Its not a complete fence, but it goes all the way to very dense brush and thorns. I thought I did a pretty good job. It was just a couple plants chewed, now down to 20 I think. Cut up a bar of soap and poured a couple ounces of strong smelling 80-90 gear oil around the plot hoping to repel the little critter. If that wasn't bad enough one of the plants had a borer killing out the main stem! Mother nature is testing us... :smoke:

Plants are starting to show early signs of nitrogen deficiency. Its only the 2nd year using the plot. Soil there is clay dominant and I haven't worked in organic ferts for several seasons like the old plots. Top dressed with Garden tone and worked it into the soil. I had to move the mulch out of the way and then move it back, but it wasn't a real big deal. Feeding about once a month. Had some rain afterward and the plants looked more green when I saw them later the next day. Really hoping the fence and repellents work. I'm going to have to buy some liquid fence or cayenne pepper spray I think. Numbers are about right, don't want to lose any more!

How about some views? :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Stopped by the garden a couple times last weekend. Got some pics the first day, and the growth that happened over the course of a couple days was amazing. Didn't get any more pics on 2nd trip. Pulled diseased leaves, very minor. Spread more stinky oil and topped the biggest plants again on the 2nd trip. Have to keep up with the chores. Got a really nice rain again today. God is so good to us. Rains have been right on time this year! About time for another feeding in the next week or 2. Want to keep them moving!

I have a question. How late is it still a good time to prune the tops to encourage bushy growth? When would it be too late and interfere with flower stretch? I'm thinking early to mid july, so I could top them one more time I think. Wanting the plants to fill in the plot a bit since a few were lost to the little varment attacks.

No animal damage last trip. Thats a good sign! :smoke: How about some views. These were taken about a week ago. Will get some new views up soon. Growing well now! Enjoy! :smoke: