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I've noticed a few products contain Soy Protein. I would assume this is for the Phytoestrogens. What effect does this have on plants?


Good question, popped into my head last night but I haven't yet looked into it. My question was more along the lines of why do plants make phytoestrogens in the first place?


Well-known member
ha!. some sites say they produce these to interrupt / mess up predators breeding cycles... advanced pesticide! looks like the plants were at it long before monsanto!!

i remember that old chestnut.."give her a birth control pill, she will get bigger.."
different hormones tho, phytoestrogens only mimic the action.
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Good answer ! This is what I got when I Google Amino Acids

"amino acids are also used to chelate metal cations in order to improve the absorption of minerals from supplements"

"The chelating ability of amino acids has been used in fertilizers for agriculture to facilitate the delivery of minerals to plants in order to correct mineral deficiencies, such as iron chlorosis. These fertilizers are also used to prevent deficiencies from occurring and improving the overall health of the plants"

Have to LOVE icmag and wikipedia for good information.

Thank you everyone for your replys


Chelation...? Now that I did not expect. I've read about plants utilizing aminos directly, aminos being utilized by soil microbes, but not about chelation. Awesome, I can check the "Learn A New Thing Today" box!

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