FYI...I had treated a mom and I had assumed that the Imidacloprid would be present in her clones in high enough concentrations to ward off critters. This was not the case. They ended up with root aphids. Moral of the story, I am going to treat my clones with this, even though I had previously treated the mom. I couldn't find any references to propagation in the I have anecdotal evidence of my own.
Good luck to you all.
I thought my experience/struggle would have been easy to decipher. I guess not.
Take cuts off your plants immediately and try to root them. The bugs can't survive without roots. Ditch and/or solarize soil and start over. This is the ONLY complete eradication method. Chemicals and lower temps will slow them down until you can take cuts.
- sbz
thx for the input greyskull, if I'm not mistaken the merit 75 is the same as the bayer tree and shrub only 75x more concentrated so you use less?