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photo synth Q

the gnome

Active member
Ive always wondered about this since i started growing
does light hitting the bottom of the leaf still do its photosynth thing?
Ive got some tree's and want to elevate others for better coverage.
so if they are above the lite source ie: the bulb
and the direct light is on the bottoms of the leaves will photosynthesis still occur?
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the gnome

Active member
well thats good to know then,
many times i have to do somewhat of a stadium to get the best light exposure on the plants
and always wondered if i was doing a disservice to the upper parts that were exposed on the under sides of the leaves

and yeah, its is lighter green, wasn't aware that was an effect of light and PSynth
but, the whole plants s green,
and the undersides of the side branches aren't a lighter color... yeah?


Active member
Yes it does but not as well as the upper surface. As you can guess the upper surface is really designed to collect light and use it for phyotsysthesis. The bottom of the leaf has a waxy cuticle that prevents water loss but it is close to the spongy mesophyll which does contain some chlorphyll. However this lower layer of mesophyll is more involved with regulation of the stomata than of photsythesis.
Hope this helps


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