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Philadelphia Makes a Bold move


This is good news for Philadelphia in particular and Pennsylvania at large though, I think. Not outright decriminalization but Philadelphias' new DA and a former City Judge now working with the state Supreme Court are working together towards that end, reducing possession of less than 30 grams to a small fine and a summary charge.

Of course the local law is still huffing and puffing about locking people up, but they would piss on a parade wouldn't they now.

Link to the article

They cite it as a way to raise funds for a cash strapped city, and to unclog the dockets of the court system.
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i love philly, its so easy to get around and its full of amazing people; DJ's, designers, and funny folk. not to mention its right next to south jersey, where people say woo-tur


spreadin da love
good job now every town needs to just do this fuck the system we will win eventually.
@Anita Bonghit
No no... repeat after me. That's "wood-er". I'm originally from Central NJ and just don't understand those South Jerz peeps. Wooder? What the hell is that??? :laughing: They also say stuff like "feoon" for phone and "heoom" for home. They're wacky I tell ya! Anyway, Philly ROCKS. Good on'm for actually facing reality with the reform efforts. :good:


marijuana, Americas only hope of survival. Would be funny to grow up telling our kids how marijuana saved the financial system from total meltdown.


Well I like the decrim action, but however I hope Pa doesn't legalize anytime soon. Especially not before Rendell leaves. He'll sell the exclussive rights to grow marijuana to some foreign corporation. Hes a big D-bag like that.


GO PHILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though I bleed black n gold, it's high time that city grows some balls and does something right for a change. And yes Rendell is a huge asshat! We need this to go statewide then we'd have something to really talk about then.....peace and shine on.


PhillyNORML did a good job putting the pressure on the city and representing...they have been out and about a lot in Philadelphia lately handing out flyers, promoting some events and raising awareness in general. Hopefully this catches on and goes statewide and they eliminate the actual arrest entirely and just make it a ticket, as this is the cops are still going to initially try and lock people up if anything to save their court overtime pay.
In practice they've never really bothered people in Philly for small amounts of weed this is just an established policy now.