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PH(x) Trinity.....


These waterpipes have always intrigued me and I just recently found a headshop that sells them in California. Has anyone experienced the rip on one of these pipes?

Do the percs really make the smoke a lot less harsh or is it pretty much the same?

Update: I went out and bought the trinity... More pics below :woohoo:

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I have tried a couple of them, tall andnot so tall, and they are nice... very smooth smoking.

But in the end it is still smoke. They are far too expensive, for what they give you. Lemme know if you wanna hear more.


i dont get how you can have water in 2 seperate percs and maintain equal water level.

how do you fill the percs up?


I got have boughten 2 of these. I got the medium one and the largest one, not sure how many percs. I also have some RooRs. Personally, I prefer the RooR.

The PHx sucks cleaning wise. Once it gets dirty inside the Percs its very difficult or impossible to clean unless you break it. Also, when you take a hit it takes more out of your lungs to do so. The hit is smooth though.

To fill the PHx up with water you need to fill the top with water and blow air in it for the percs to fill up.

I prefer the roor with an ashcatcher. RooR rules. And if you got clumsy hands go for the 7.0mm roor. Hope this helps...



I have hit both. I agree with the RooR crowd. Although the Trinity hits better every day of the week. A roor is just a overall better piece. And if you can break a 5.0mm then you shouldnt have glass in your hand.


a bong with a rubber seal is no different than a bong with a rubber seal
a bong with a glass on glass connection is no different than a bong with a glass on glass connection
bongs are bongs, don't let the marketing tacktics trick you.


Chakal said:
I got have boughten 2 of these. I got the medium one and the largest one, not sure how many percs. I also have some RooRs. Personally, I prefer the RooR.

The PHx sucks cleaning wise. Once it gets dirty inside the Percs its very difficult or impossible to clean unless you break it. Also, when you take a hit it takes more out of your lungs to do so. The hit is smooth though.

To fill the PHx up with water you need to fill the top with water and blow air in it for the percs to fill up.

I prefer the roor with an ashcatcher. RooR rules. And if you got clumsy hands go for the 7.0mm roor. Hope this helps...


Already got the roor covered



PHX is not what you want if your interested in a perc. Get LUX perc or ROOR if you can find one of the last ones (roor percs were just discontinued I beleive this month)....

Get a tree style perc not dome style (phx)...


Active member
Here ya go....My new PHX Trinity......Hits like a Charm......Smoothest hit out of all Bongs i have ripped including Roor Perc, Although the Roor Pec was only a Single Perc.....PHX is Great Quality....Great Peice....~ograskal

And more of my collection....

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I just coulden't resist buying it :bongsmi:

I took some pics. I really like this bong, probably smoother hitting than my roor when I put in the german diffuser with the holes all around.

I tried putting my german roor diffuser into the PHX, and it fit better than the diffuser they gave me. :yoinks:

I use it with the diffuser and my roor bowl..


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Official Tree Taster

i'm not your dad or nothing but son why the fuck are you showing faces on this site?


Pack A Bowl said:
a bong with a rubber seal is no different than a bong with a rubber seal
a bong with a glass on glass connection is no different than a bong with a glass on glass connection
bongs are bongs, don't let the marketing tacktics trick you.

Not really, overall tube shape (such as a straight tube vs. bubble bottom), downstem diameter, how many percs, tube size determine your quality of hit.


Active member
give me a beaker bottom any brand, no name bong with 1 perc no diffuser or nothing and im straight man. hell even a straight 18" no perc bong. i dont feel a need for all these percs and ash catchers and all that. the hits outta my bong (12" sour w/1 perc) are smooth enough. and as for the ashcatcher i clean my bong after 2-3 uses anyways. i dont hit dirty bongs...ok thats a lie, i do but only if its someone elses bong and they offer lol. BUT that is a nice lookin bong...just a little too much and too pricey for me since i dont feel like i NEED it. peace. oh and ograskal...nice collection!
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New member
i was lucky enough to be given a Ph(x). after a bit of practice :bongsmi: it was easy to figure out water levels cleaning etc. to clean is similar to fill. fill from top with isopropl alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol. has ne1 actually rubbed themselves with that shit. ewwwhy) and a generous amout of salt, shake vigorously. the solution will work its way through the percs. rinse and :yummy: good as new. i wouldn't go out my way to buy one but i can't deny it hits beautifully. roors are great too just different. why fight over something so trivial. we are all happily stoney in the end right? we should just celebrate how many creative ways we have to get to that end. junkies aren't saying check out this new triple perc needle i got while while everyone drools over it. well they're probably drooling anyway. peace :wave:


Best hitting bong ever is the Hurricane. My gawd it may not be the smoothest hit but by far and wide the best


After owning it for a few days, I must say it's really amazing. It hits smooth everytime and its never harsh.

I can take the fattest ridiculous rips with the PHX that I couldn't take with my roor and they are always barely noticable by my lungs. I just wonder if much THC is filtered out of the smoke....


mofuckin farmer smurf
nah man thc isn't water soluable none gets filtered out. i wanna pick one up this weekend i'm sure how much they run for though. i wanna get the duo i recon. its sucks you can't buy them online in the states they are so cheap. the headshops mark them up ridicuously. i've been searching and haven't come up with squat, does anyone know a online headshop that sells phx pipes and ships to the states?

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