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Pest screen alternative?


I am currently setting up a really small greenhouse... I'm not concerned about visibility of my ladies, only that I can keep the bugs out.

What I was considering (instead of plastic, as that has zero air flow) was shade cloth at the lowest shade, which I believe is 30%.... the area I'm building the GH in get's full sun from sun up to sun down, so the shade factor is not really a major concern of mine.

Does any one have a good location to purchase shade cloth from? OR, better yet, do any of you have an alternative to this? My true goal is to try and prevent insects from getting in there...and shade cloth seemed to make the most sense vs. window screening...

Any help would sincerely be appreciated!


Active member
why not build a frame and cover in window screen then? the idea of the plastic is to hold heat/humidity in and should always be properly vented anyway. if visibility isn't a factor i'd go with the screen over shade cloth on the $$$ alone. a determined bug can get through shade cloth anyways. neem oil is a great bi-weekly spray during veg, controls all kinds of stuff and is somewhat a barrier.......my local walmart and home depot carries all the grades and colors of shade cloth at a competitive price..check out your local shops


I wouldnt even use a net to keep pest away. What pests are you trying to stop with this net? Most of the pests that do the most damage (aphids, mites, caterpillars etc) will get in anyway. The net will annoy you more than the pests and once the plants get bigger it will just be a pain in the ass to work around. It will also limit available sunlight.

If you are that worried about pests, get some beneficial bugs or plant things that attract bugs that will eat your pests. Putting a net up is just putting a band aid on the issue, if you have a big problem with pest get to the cause of the problem.

If you arent worried about them being seen. Just find a nice spot in the yard, build some fertile beds and throw them ladies in there. Wait 3-6 months and enjoy. Peace_highst
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Yea I guess you're right... I'm not as concerned about thrips as I am the caterpillars, mites and anything else of size that will destroy my ladies. I was thinking that by using shadecloth (or screening) and tacking it down on the frame of the GH it would prevent them from entering. I realize a few may get through, as nothing is 100% preventative, I was hoping it would at least reduce some of them.

Perhaps I'll just wait and see what kinda issues I run into without the screening... then if needed I'll revisit the idea.



Active member
Just a thought to kick around..........
build with wood frame & plastic sheeting & seal it well......then vent it with those furnace filters in several places. If yur real handy you could construct something where the filters could be slid in n out & replaced periodically.
Was kinda kickin this concept around for my grow box.....filters over the vents to keep the little buggers out.


Active member
This thread needs to be moved to the screenhouse sub-section........just kidding, i want this section to be as active as the medical forums.........thats hell of funny you reminded me of furnace filters. i have central AC in my house. and when i was trying to come up with something to block vents on another greenhouse last year, the best i could do was think of putting steel wool in the duct.a friend pointed out how i have a stack of those filters and why not try them instead of steel wool. they still tease me about that sometimes when im making fun of something they're doing.


Shade Screen!

Shade Screen!

For the ends of my greenhouse I used tan shade cloth from Home Depot. 100% ventilation!

The caterpillar problem was extreme this year. Some local outdoor farmers reported the worst year for caterpillars they've ever seen, 25%-40% loss!

I had 0% caterpillar loss with the shade cloth. I could see the butterflies fly upwind into the scent trail of my greenhouse. Fly right up to it, & around it a couple of times and fly off in search of others!

Physical barriers don't pollute the environment. The shade cloth is very effective!


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