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Payne Farms 20x40 x 14 greenhouse

Hello ICmag!

Papapayne here! Heres the greenhouse for this year,

20x40 greenhouse, 14' headroom.

8 plants in the greenhouse, they are already going. 5-6 are clones, my keeper mothers. I have more seeds going then I care to admit on a forum going to fill the last slots. The best smelling, most vigorous, happiest plants will fill in to 8.

2 count Delicious Critical Sensi Star x Bohdi Dream Lotus. shes my main money maker. 22-28% thc depending on round. Shes a growers dream, she simply MUST make bud, nothing stops her. Pm immune, very high resistance to rot, finishes very fast (amber trichomes starting Mid September.) Last year in a 65 produced 3.5#
1 or 2 count Dog Kush - pretty sure I mislabeled a clone, as one is looking like one of my super purples, not a dog. Anyway, the dog is a producer of dank kush without any of the kush issues. Gets huge, thick stems, loud ass smell, 21-24% THC. Biggest yield er last year, 65 gallon pot gave 4 units.
1 Caseyband x Black sour bubble x White rhino. Very vigorous, highly indica strain. I haven't run her outdoors, indoors shes very fast, pm immune, and produces very purple sticky buds, low stretch so IDK how big she will get outdoors. The one I have slotted is already 3 foot tall, 3 foot wide.
I practice as much organic/sustain practices as I can with the garden.

I have earth worm bins for my own EWC, raise rabbits and chickens and pigs, and use their manure in my greenhouse. The compost has been sitting all year now, getting turned weekly, and then I have prob 15 yards of straight rabbit manure/straw bedding.

My greenhouse practice is tried and true.

Those guys go in there for a month, and will make quick work of rototillering and eating all the grass, weeds, and adding in some fine compost.

I then will lay out prob 20 bales of straw, and let the pigs root around another week. Then I will dump out all of last years high quality l, which has been covered cropped with crimson clover for 6 months. (8 100s, 8 65 gallon smart pots)

Add in all my rabbit manure, and rototill that by hand, then cover crop with 3 types of marigolds, fava beans, and clover.

Plants are in 10 gallon smart pots currently, and will be vegging during day outside on nice snny days, and inside under 1000 watt mh. My goal is to have the largest plants possible to bury, pot and all, direct in the ground by june 1st.
Hmm, for some reason the pics of the pigs didn't show up.

Anyway...testers to choose from for my last slots:

Short list -from seed
20 seedlings Wet dreams x Blueberry lotus
4 Grand master kush - one more seed finally popped outta soil -really hoping for a nice female
3 Orange og x sr71 seedlings

or...possibly.... there's always

jillanje from RUI user Mohican
daze from RUI user Joedank
SRS from RUI user supchaka
Sour cherry
Prime Moonshine from RUI user bigworm6969 (based on how indoor run goes with it)
Gorilla Spirit from RUI user bigworm6969 (based on how indoor run goes with it)

I forgot, I also have 3 gogi x ? from @Dr.D81
And 10 nepali og x gogi og f3 testers from bohdi in dirt
Yea, this is the 2010 cut, thru COF and Dr.d81 on RUI.

It is a nice strain outdoors. Indoors its good to, but outdoors...it shines.

Shes the kinda plant where if you supercrop her, the next morning there's a knuckle, and the branch is back upright with new growth. Sturdy as all fuck. Stanky kush and fuel nugs, that are rock hard and add up weight quick.

heres some from last year!

What kind of yield are you getting?

How much did that greenhouse run you?

Last years greenhouse was 10x45 and was horrible greenhouse, costed me 2k for it, and was a pita spent the whole season fighting the greenhouse.

8 plants in 65s, 6 plants in 10 gallon testers put out to flower from clone. Pulled 3.5# per plant on average (6 plants were over 4, and the sour cherry and lemonshine pulled me down with only 1# each)

This years greenhouse is 20x40, will have me in about 1200 bucks for the frame and covering. Will be another 1k for a dehumidifier, and 500 in fans.
forgot to sub up to my own thread lol. Heres some pics form last week, been getting the seedlings high on the list for "going out in the greenhouse" used to sunlight, and taking them out for a few hours of daylight a day.

The plants in the 10 gallon pots that are my from clone proven winners are getting to damn heavy to lug back and forth, so they just been staying under the 1000 watt metal halide.

These here are the seedling of orange og x sr71 these are sourced thru treemansbuds off rollitup, they are his big producer, 7-10# plants of fire. Sample nugs and grow pics were epic.

These are my cross of wet dream x seawarp male (seawarp was bred by rui user getawaymountain - semi-autoflowering, very tight nodes of excellent fruity nugs, resists rain and mold and finishes flower by late august)

Grand daddy purp x master kush - breed by treeman as well. finishes mid october, 5-8# plant
