I was wondering if I can use miticide/water mixture with a paint sprayer. Right now I am using a hand pump sprayer which works, but I want/need something that gives a more even coverage. The wand the comes with the sprayer is great for reaching in between and underneath the plants so that made me question will the paint sprayer be able to reach the plants in the back of the table 4x4? What about the underside of the leaves?
I've seen atomizers, but they are kind of pricey. What about foggers, do they need some kind of fogger liquid to work or can I just use water+miticide?
*Sorry Mods not sure if this is the right forum for this post-feel free to move it need be*
I've seen atomizers, but they are kind of pricey. What about foggers, do they need some kind of fogger liquid to work or can I just use water+miticide?
*Sorry Mods not sure if this is the right forum for this post-feel free to move it need be*