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Outdoors in Kentucky?


Active member
Hello all,

As circumstances would have it, I am reluctantly leaving my N. California home/life behind and am moving to Kentucky.

So, the question that has been weighing heavily upon my brain....can I grow good dope in Kentucky outdoors?

I am thinking a greenhouse for both security (as kentucky is a draconian cannabis state) and it rains all the time and I am concerned about mold.

Any advice is welcome.

yours truly sad to leave CA.,



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Ideal climate for tobacco, so yes. However, a liberal won't be well tolerated in them thar hills. Better live in the city.


Active member
Hello all,

As circumstances would have it, I am reluctantly leaving my N. California home/life behind and am moving to Kentucky.

So, the question that has been weighing heavily upon my brain....can I grow good dope in Kentucky outdoors?

I am thinking a greenhouse for both security (as kentucky is a draconian cannabis state) and it rains all the time and I am concerned about mold.

Any advice is welcome.

yours truly sad to leave CA.,


Congratulations, i hope.
When do you plan on moving?

Great outdoors

Active member
Ideal climate for tobacco, so yes. However, a liberal won't be well tolerated in them thar hills. Better live in the city.

Pretty sad response.
Is the other side really that bad? Life is really much better without all the hate.

Here in BC the rednecks and hippies have blended so much we have " rippies"


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
They have been growing good pot out there for decades but not known too well. If you are the same as I have read here on Icmag then their lot has gotten lower. Knew a dem idiot here in Cali who was real smart in his own mind, went out to Georgia a few years back. Poor country folks.


Active member
Hello all,

Mid November is the plan. Just aftyer harvest. Another thing to consider is crossing state lines with a few pounds...yes, I know the risk.

But, I do not think there will be issues. Old man and women with a Haul and towing a car....classic fleeing California.



Well-known member
Hello all,........ I do not think there will be issues. Old man and women with a Haul and towing a car....classic fleeing California.


What could go wrong ....... except for a breakdown, illness or accident? :whistling:

.......... and the greenhouse will just invite attention and 'exploration'.

Before I moved to the South and crossed state lines I reduced my harvest down to nothing but vacuum sealed, well-hidden kif.

........ as far as growing outdoors, Kentucky is ideal but I'd forget that for now and wait until you've gotten yourself established and gained trust (or not!) from the locals.

Legalization will be coming to the South shortly so just hang on and wait it out............ but in the meantime, keep your politics to yourself, just sayin'! ;)

........... and 1 more thing, the South is a kinder, more gentle, family loving place, you'll grow to appreciate living there and slowly learn to love it! :good:

Good luck with the move and new adventure! :tiphat:

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Good weed can be grown almost anywhere as long as you can modify your environment as needed… ( ha ha easier said than done .. I know) good luck;)