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outdoor strain


New member
After reading some of the posts in here about guys trying to find a spot to grow, I realize how lucky I am . I've got 300 acres to grow on and NOBODY goes in there but the son of the landowner, and he grows too ! The access is through a locked gate, and I pretty much can do what I want. After 5 years of trying, I've finally found the very best spots to grow. Some areas are bottomland, and after trying to plant in the soil there, I've figured out I need to plant in pots. The soil gets saturated to the point that my roots rot, and I lose plants. Other places I plant in the brushy fields, and the plants do AWESOME.

Here's my question : I'm thinking about planting feminized seed next year. I spend a lot of time carrying water from the creek, not to mention the bags of soil, etc. and hate like hell to find out much of this was for MALES !

I would want the highest yielding, funk nastiest strain I could get, of course. I'm looking to plant 20 plants or so. What would you recommend for a heavy yielding high thc non feminized strain as well. Any suggestions ??

Also, I have several pots of different capacities. What size is preferred in order to give the roots plenty of room to grow without affecting yield ?? I've found a site that I can get poly-grow bags from starting at one gallon and as big as 20 gallons.
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New member
That much land?

That much land?

And that secure?

I'd go with giant the Sativas. Leave them alone and let nature take it's course. They're not going to be "the highest yielding, funk nastiest strain" but they'll do their job and it's easy to grow.

Also, better to plant regular seeds, IMHO.

OK, thanks!


A good 10ft tall Skunk#1 I am told can yeild up to half a pound to a pound. I am growing holland hopeXskunk#1(AKA Purple Power from Nirvana) and they are big ass trees now just starting to flower. This plant is mostly sativa and is ideal for outdoor in cooler climates. Should have a great yeild and pretty buds too :) I also had a good female ratio 5 out of 6
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If you want a hardy but potent strain for outdoors, I would recommend you to get some early misty. You can't go wrong with them for 15 bucks a pack. And if you have the space to grow you should use the biggest pots or bags you can get. goodluck man

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot


By Reservoir Seeds would be a good choice, imho.

REZ Willems Firecracker

Start 'em out early indoors and clone the girls and then plant those outside, that'll save the labor involved in watering the males all summer.

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New member
Thanks bro's.

IM Boggled, I've never tried starting indoors, and moving outdoors. I read some info that stated I should start indoors, on a 20/4 or 24/0 regimen, switch to 12/12 one week before I plant outside..Any truth to this ??? What are the negative risks to starting inside ?


Mine grew for 2 months, very healthy behind my dresser in a window that got sunlight almost the whole day. Started them in March and they were 1 1/2ft when i put them outside in May. It worked great :) buddys talk about their 6footers i talk about my 10 footers :) who needs a lamp when you got the sun!
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New member
I've got access to a 400 watt metal halide. I may try starting under that next year. I need to get more info before I do. I'd hate to burn my shit or shock it.


if your climate suits id grow ducksfoot if i were you , huge yeilds and top class smoke , you wont regret ....


Hey wally you think ducksfoot would grow well in the US New England. Last frost end of May, First frost usually Oct. Stays 70-85 through the summer sometimes dropping in the 60's at night. We usually get humid weather also so mold may be an issue but none so far this year. We have pretty good soil around here. Chuck full of worms and airy. don't have to add much to it. I was thinking about adding duck to my list for next yr.
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Try Newlines.nl if you can't sex out some seeds indoors before you plant. Great strains, they should have some new stock by the time you are ready to plant.

Voila! Females!


dex , not sure , has been some finishing issues given its tropical heritage , it may take you to tell us that one ....

smokin joe ,,, yes seedsdirect have it in stock , and its more a sativa , leaning on the tropical side ...;l buds can grw huge , as well as the plants themselves ... in flower it is one of the strongest smelling , if not the strongest .. and the taste and stoned are as though youve died and gone to heaven .. an instant calming , and happy feeling invades your body .....


New member
I hear ya Wally. Ducksfoot it is bro. It sounds just like what I am looking for.

What do you think about starting them inside 20/4 and putting them outside ? Should I go to 12/12 for a week or so before putting outside ? I've read a lot of conflicting info on the subject.


hard to shed light on that one joe ,,, this strain will veg at very low light hours , as with many with the sort of tropical influence this lady has , you may be able to shock it to flower earlier , but it wont do it properly till the hours are right and will flower a s it grows .... cuttings will alway s flower quicker , but not 100% at what light hours they will begin and end .... our longest day here is around 13 hrs , and lowest is 11 ....


New member
I've been starting my plants in a mini-greenhouse I built in May and putting them in the ground around the first of June but I kinda fell out with the dude who's property I had the greenhouse on. I'm looking for an alternative and thought starting indoors under a light might solve me problem. I've never tried it before and don't wanna screw up a good bunch of seeds.


New member
I guess my main concern is how the plants will do if I start them inside under a light and then put them outside. In my climate the plants can grow until November before the frost will get them, so grow time shouldn't be an issue. I'd just like to get them to 15" or so before I actually put them outside. I like the idea of starting them indoors as it is a much more controlled environment


Active member
SJ you are like me out in the middle of nowhere , I get 4-5 outdoor crops a year! yes put them under 24/7 or 20/4 till they get as big as you want to veg then transplant to a bigger pot two weeks after transplanting into the bigger pots place outside to finish! I have some outdoors budding right now here take a look :)




New member
Very nice bro. What strain is that ? 5 harvest per year outside ? How do you do that ? I put my plants outside around June 1st and usually harvest around mid October. That gives me one good yield.