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White Truffle




ICMag Donor
That Sianai looks a little like some of the SCC. I like the more airy flowers to allow the trichomes to develop normally without being squished. Plus they may dry out faster.

White truffle looks tastey!~~ We need to have an ICMAG taste test session!

Hanging in there. Been harvesting a plant every few days when snapped. Another small plant snapped. And the mice are back eating seeds out of small flowers. The big buds have the seeds hidden. I moved the fence so they were less likely to climb up the post by the damage.

Wind may get to 60 mph gust with 25-35 mph sustained today with around an inch or so total rain. Plus rain likely tomorrow for around quarter to half inch in the afternoon, and rain likely sunday with lesser amounts.

Fertilized the lawn with Chicken manure granules, so at least have something to look forward to. Glad its raining, but hope the flowers don't get too wet. Will watch the weather and may end up cutting tops on Sunday if prolonged rain is triggering mold. I don't think it is yet from what I can tell. :smoke:


I've been away from growing. This is my 3rd season back.
It was so nice this summer. 100% sunshine for days. Only 14/100's of an inch of rain in September!

I almost screwed it all up.
I had talked myself out of putting up my rain cover since I'm old, shouldn't be up on the roof and the season had been so nice.
I couldn't shake the feeling though it might come back like a lion.
It's a pretty nice setup, back porch pergola. Runs East-West facing South.

Sunday with only an hour to spare I hung it just as the first sprinkles came. 🌧
Like flipping a light switch. rain, wind, even a close by tornado.🌪 😵‍💫
So glad I listened to my gut.
Sunshine is back out and we're back in business. 💪
I want something like this so bad! We have a couple small greenhouses. But my backyard is on a plant so I'd have to do some leveling to have a nice greenhouse.

My idea is to build an overhang on the backside of my house that I can drape plastic over just like you did.
I chopped the Freakshow down a couple days ago. Its always one of the first to finish, but it could've gone another 7 to 10 days but we are in middle of 11 days of rain.
I was able to hang plastic over the plant in most worried about rotting. I left it open on two sides to allow wind to blow thru. But I'm afraid that the wind from the remains of Helene will blow that down today.
Still out in the rain is an Amnesia Haze and an NL2 from Todd, and the unknown Christmas tree shaped plant that I grew from seed from a local person that says that it's f3 generation of something she bred outdoors.
Oh and the outdoor Multi Haze has finally decided to show sex, as others are in mid yo late bloom. I knew it wouldn't bloom properly here in Va but I just love that sativa structure and wanted to see how big and bushy I could get her.
I can only imagine how big she would have been if I planted her in early spring


ICMag Donor
Going to be high winds until just after dark. Going to check on them at the end of the day. Camping out for this one. Will give me a chance to hang out and relax for a bit while I wait. Have some chance to dry early tomorrow and then it wraps around for more rain likely tomorrow afternoon.