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Well-known member
Getting some fertilizer put down and a dose of water. Hope to see those leaves expand again this week with another explosion of growth! Like watching fireworks.

I will have to look for ginsing, we have it here. When do you harvest the root? After flowering? Any tips?

Plants are looking happy, linde!

Thanks for the tip mudballs! White containers are much better than black. The heat will promote disease or even kill the roots and will also make the container dry faster. Are those staying in the 3 gal containers through to harvest?
I worked on a ginseng farm, they didn't harvest until after 4-5 years of growth.

Old Piney

Well-known member

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ICMag Donor
Got the plants top dressed with 3 lbs Healthy Grow and 7 lbs Cottonseed meal. Watered with about 84 gallons. Should be ready for the 90's all week. Going to get really hot later in the week around 95 for a 3 days! The volunteer ended up being male so it was removed. They had a bit of moisture in the ground still saturday from the rain thursday night, but they were ready for water sunday.

Plants are exploding with growth! Couldn't get them to fall over by watering so must have a good solid tap root going! :smoke:

Growing about half a foot per week now! :smoke:

Fertilized and watered 84 gal. 90's F temperatures all week. Plants are ready to rock and roll! Should see them fill out pretty well in the next couple weeks. Knee high by mid June on some of them! For corn knee high by the 4th of July means a good yield. So we should be on track for a full canopy and tall plants! :smoke:

Thinned a few mutants and runts. Be careful not to break the plants, they are brittle at this stage!


Well-known member
We have a different variety out here in the west. It's called Aralia californica and is from the same Araliaceae family as American and Chinese ginseng. "Panax quinquefolius (American), Panax ginseng (Asian)"

Aralia californica, known by the common name elk clover though not actually a clover, is a large herb in the family Araliaceae, the only member of the ginseng family native to California and southwestern Oregon. It is also called California aralia and California spikenard.



ICMag Donor
Thats some big algae/moss! NE is definitely pretty humid place! Looks like a really awesome quiet place. I have family in Massachusetts and their house had a preserve at the end of the neighborhood, where we would always go. Beautiful pines and ferns.

I did some fishing and swimming down at the lake. Mostly eating and visiting. Woke up sore, was a great place to rest. Use real worms, they work the best. Watch out for tree branches.

Heat is on! :smoke:




ICMag Donor
4-June-2024 :
Last night there was a sudden, torrential storm. This morning, outside the house, I found this large mantis in the pot where the Extreme Haze (NL#5-Haze "extreme haze pheno" x Old Timers Haze "green light pheno", Tropical Seeds Company; born May-14) is still.
I think the poor mantis was dragged along the ground by the storm, and managed to climb to the pot (which is protected from the rain by the wall and by what protrudes from the roof) to safety. I surprised her by getting rid of the leaf litter and dog hair that was tangled around her wings, legs and antennae, while she was sunbathing to dry. When it was dry, I carefully moved it, between two huiguera leaves, to the garden itself, where it has a multitude of potential food.
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Cool mantis checking out the Haze after a night of torrential rains. Beautiful long antennae! Love praying mantis, they are beneficial and are a special insect.


ICMag Donor
Thanks! Gets a little better every year! Just fill them up with the hose at the barn which pumps water from a well. Haul them back to the plot around the field in a truck.

They love the water quality. I bet the mountain spring water is the best for the plants! I recommend getting another reservoir if you have to. Plants love the deep watering when its needed. Takes a while and they get several rounds of watering like a prolonged rain event.

Deep, less frequent watering is better than regular light watering for promoting a healthy root system. Watering should be done to the depth of root each time as needed.


Well-known member
I got a bigger one....let's see.....big 150,

However, the natural spring actually comes out of the ground and starts around my spots, never runs dry, fill up as needed.
It would had been awesome if I just gravity fed slow drip irrigation to just one main plot.
Due to the terrain , my style is more "spot" growing to hedge risk , separate harvest times, and rocky earth. So my plant sites wind up being a few here and there (lots of 6-9 instead of one main area, )

I have patches, large areas of workable earth,close by spring and creek,, I'm thinking of doing more of a plot style as pipeline since I have that luxury and I've always been a spot style grower, something exciting and diff, the plot and row style could be really efficient.

Last round goes out end of this week, finally.
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ICMag Donor
I got a bigger one....let's see.....big 150,
View attachment 19019256

However, the natural spring actually comes out of the ground and starts around my spots, never runs dry, fill up as needed.
It would had been awesome if I just gravity fed slow drip irrigation to just one main plot.
Due to the terrain , my style is more "spot" growing to hedge risk , separate harvest times, and rocky earth. So my plant sites wind up being a few here and there (lots of 6-9 instead of one main area, )

I have patches, large areas of workable earth,close by spring and creek,, I'm thinking of doing more of a plot style as pipeline since I have that luxury and I've always been a spot style grower, something exciting and diff, the plot and row style could be really efficient.

Last round goes out end of this week, finally.
Thats a big reservoir. The ground is your reservoir though. I used to hike up from the creek nearby, but that was a killer workout. Thankfully am able to get the water back there easier now.

Do diagonal rows to minimize visibility from above and space the plants out more evenly. Would be great to see a plot like that. Works well, they shade themself out. Nice place to find shade under the canopy!

Have made pipes out of apples, works well. Have a snack afterward if you get hungry, you can eat the pipe!

Smoking a bit more in the summer to help cope with heat and fatigue.

Real farmers smoke out of homegrown sweet potatoes....I'm stoned....I actually grow bongs,
Vegans eat your heart out....organic bongs of brain blistering chronic.
Apples also work finely
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Well-known member
I got a bigger one....let's see.....big 150,
View attachment 19019256

However, the natural spring actually comes out of the ground and starts around my spots, never runs dry, fill up as needed.
It would had been awesome if I just gravity fed slow drip irrigation to just one main plot.
Due to the terrain , my style is more "spot" growing to hedge risk , separate harvest times, and rocky earth. So my plant sites wind up being a few here and there (lots of 6-9 instead of one main area, )

I have patches, large areas of workable earth,close by spring and creek,, I'm thinking of doing more of a plot style as pipeline since I have that luxury and I've always been a spot style grower, something exciting and diff, the plot and row style could be really efficient.

Last round goes out end of this week, finally.
That's awesome having a spring on your property. Hell you a can run a moonshine still and water your plants at the same time.