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Outdoor growing security question...


Active member
Maybe not the power companies but piggies do when they're out doin their fly by's....
Primo spots to plant....


unless you have a high volume in a fairly open area theyre not gonna find it. the choppers only find big patches of 100s or more usually. less than 100 is considered small by them. also unless its huge or part of an investigation they almost always just yank them and go.. cause fo all they know, grower may not be back for months, and at night etc, or it could be someone removing seeds from their middies or shwag that planted the plants..

think about it.. if you've got like 1-20 plants.. is it worth their FUEL alone to yank them? nope. i bet if they saw like 1-5 plants.. and actually knew what they were.. they probably wouldnt even land cause its probably not worth their fuel.. but there are very few circumstances where theyd actually see that few from the air..


ICMag Donor
Them tight sons of bitches arent going to spend any more money on anything unless they have to, lol.......The cops and rippers are another story......


i only got a couple on their property.... i dont wantta lose them tho... they are in a real good spot! its like wetlands with lots of sunshine.... i think i will leave them be...


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Power companys in rural areas have flyovers on a pretty regular basis I believe its how they check thier lines. I agree though unless you have a large patch they prolly wont notice them as they are looking at and checking the condition of their lines. Checking for trees and limbs that have fallen on or are pinning lines down. I do see them flying thier lines periodicly though.