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Outdoor experiment


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So with my current living conditions are not going to be able to have anything indoors and the few people that I've tried to reach out to and with kind of sketch me out a little bit so this year what I'm going to do is I'm going to follow the old Deer Run that a but certain areas where I live where I think I could get away with putting a few outside where they get full sun till around 7 at night from 6 in the morning to 7 at night getting close to want to build a pop them in like some Solo Cup get some routes established and then maybe chicken wire them so that they can get strong enough wherever herbivores do come around they can at least live through an initial brushing I'd love to get some insight from folks I have plenty of genetics but I would definitely love to be able to walk around all summer and check on my babies from a distance. I apologize for my punctuation I'm using a microphone to get my vernacular out as quickly as possible so I can get this in focus on it and start staying balanced and focused on what I need to do on a daily basis to get this accomplished. My first thought is I have some black Afghan he's that I want to start and I'd also like to throw a couple more out and see different varieties definitely not equatorial because I don't think I have the season to cover what they'll need but I wouldn't mind throwing a couple hybrids out there and keeping him safe Solo Cup style cubes fill a mop get him to about 2ft let him bed as much as they need my question is is as they grow for you guys that have use chicken wire and stuff outside is it best to just wrap it around the side and have nothing over the canopy cuz they shoot up relatively quickly just curious if anybody can give me some outdoor in sight before I f******


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So good finds in the general area
The clear glass is an orig pint pepsi glass bottle (pristine condition btw) no deposit! Lol


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Well-known member
Given the bread you're eating, you need to really choose wisely. Things listed as indoor and outdoor, probably won't cut it. You want some solid outdoor performers. Many times I have put out things that locals claim would work outdoor too, but never have they done so. I don't recognise most of your beans, but the one's I do, concern me.
I would have a look at the Quebec seed bank. They will know your climate. Real gorilla semi's are probably suitable to. Pick something you have seen work further north.

I can stick out my plants, and make two maintenance visits, plus a check they are ready to come down(where a few early ones might come out, but I'm really checking the site for a full clearance in a couple of weeks). Anything needing constant nursing, is just trouble.


Well-known member
From my experience outdoors that Afghani will probably do really good with respect to enduring drought but maybe not so good come harvest time enduring mold and rot?
With respect to your wire cage. Maybe create a cylinder, then flatten it together at the top loosely. So the plant could exit through the slot at the top?
Good luck


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Thats not my bread rofl......those were foodshelf donations from the work going to local shelf.
Ill take pics as i get this accomplished
Being careful of backrounds in pics lmao
I have several more seeds then the pic shows. Ill update that monday morning


Well-known member
I have seen some location drops a lot more specific than some bread that's sold in legal counties. Shared avatars/user names/features outside and eBay accounts all come to mind.

I don't cage my outdoors. I used to, using tree protection mesh. I got a roll, and made tubes that fit within each-other. Making transport easier. However, I have found it easier to just grow more to cover losses. The biggest of which comes from snails.
I get dear bedding down beneath them. Yet the little Roe show no interest in eating them.
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I got some seeds I didn't know anything about but they apparently are a true outdoor strain called hard core. Also I always heard trainwreck was a good choice ..?


Well-known member
I got some seeds I didn't know anything about but they apparently are a true outdoor strain called hard core. Also I always heard trainwreck was a good choice ..?
You could say all plants are outdoor varieties. Train wreck is one of those listed as both, but won't be ready until late next year. While early September might be a better goal, and the semi auto hybrids that can finish in late August are very interesting. Flowering through the better weather months.

Where you live dictates if you can grow literally anything outside, or literally nothing. The bread said Quebec/UK/Dutch. Bit further north and the Danes have things to try. To the south you can start looking at indoor/outdoor listed plants. The Wreck has a lot of sativa in it, so you would want a long season. Within the tropics ideally.


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Got handed a packer to yesterday of some stuff called pigpen that was grown north of me last year that did really really well so I'm excited
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Qc here

Generally speaking, we only start from seeds when looking through a new seed line for a mom. Most things supposed to finish will be hit or miss, some will finish, some wont, even in the same pack. When running higher numbers it can be somehwhat of a good thing, you know, staggered harvest and all.

From the gorillas, green gold and dfg did good, both grew vigorously and didn't give a damn about climate. Nice smoke. Some of the green golds had that extra power.

Bog sour strawberry and lifesaver finished late Sept, no problem.

Green crack cut, mid sept surprisingly

Mosca Raspberry boogie was hit or miss from seed, selected mom is a tank.
Kc brains mango, tnr and another, same thing.

Older stuff like skunk, cali orange, white Rhino, chemo all good to go outdoors, early Oct finish..

The list of no go is impressive tho lol


Well-known member
Looks like a fun project, I like the strains you're running. I wouldn't go with the Manipur, it's a tropical narrow leaf type that finishes around Christmas. You'll end up with a 20 foot tall frozen monster to hang your lights from. The Syrian could be interesting. A large % of high amounts of CBD. It starts flowering early but takes a couple weeks longer to flower, should finish between mid September-Oct 5. The Black Afghan will be either a home run or a whiff. Afghans have a wide range of finishing times, from mid September to the beginning of November with most finishing Sept 30-Oct 15. With a little luck from the weather it could turn out great. If it starts pouring down rain in mid September and doesn't let up it could mold out. Some Afghans show surprising mold tolerance.

I like to get my starts going at home at least up to 6 inches so they don't get mowed by slugs or sow bugs. Good call with the chicken wire, until they get several feet tall there's a lot of critters that like to eat ganja whole. After they get big there'll still be hungry deer. The most important part to an outdoor patch is having groundwater so you aren't blazing a trail all summer watering. I'd scope my spots the year before, make sure the vegetation stayed green and happy right through the summer into September. Good luck!


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The water access isnt super huge...but ...it will require me loading bags ( like bulk milk comes in) of riverwater to the location. If im fair theres deer runs everywhere so i expect to deal them. The main river channel is 1/8 mile tops .......im psyched to see this through i wont lie......its neat "hiking" for "potential" spots



Well-known member
I tend to pee around my sites. I have gone as far as taking bottles with me. Other options such as zoo-poo can be bought. The deer smell the apex predator in the area, and don't fancy it at all.

I lived in a terrace once, where the neighbours dog took to fouling in my garden. A drew my boarder with pee, and the dog didn't want to cross, even with the neighbour dragging it. The neighbour was giving me eyes for weeks, but had no idea what I might of done. His dog understood though.


Well-known member
Deer can go either way, sometimes they can hit you hard. Other times they show no interest. Peeing as high as you can on bushes near your patch can't hurt. At least it gives you a reason to stay hydrated. It sounds like you know the area very well. You probably have a good idea of the sort of human traffic nearby and will notice if something is different. I always chose patches near water, both for the ease of watering and because humans don't like to get wet. I'd always bring a change of clothes so when I crawled out of the bushes covered in mud from head to toe I'd have something clean to get into.

I'd usually choose a different route to get into an area as much as I could because trails are a give away. There was usually be a belly crawl through brambles that kept deer and humans out. I liked having to cut a trail through it, I'd always put dirt on the cuts so they didn't look noticeable and fresh. Lots of things you can do to keep your site secure. The sites I used multiple years were so difficult to get into I figured even if somebody knew they were there they wouldn't want to try getting to them.


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I could have alot of fun outdoors w you guys...going out now...just had a pretty good rain for 48 hours infrequent showers. Hoping my choices are in other experianced growers a good spot. Ill take pics this am


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I took 25 pics bear with me. Lol i got impulsive w that camera.


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